The Financial Times has more details of the problems advertisers are having currently with Twitter. Again, it's principally functional, not political. (See my earlier thread linked below.) /1

The FT reports:

⚠️ "Twitter’s ads business team has shrunk so much that many agencies no longer have any point of contact at the company and have received little to no communication in recent weeks" /2
⚠️ "Some brands have been unable to get feedback on how previous campaigns have performed because of the staffing shortages, one media buyer said.

Others are complaining Twitter’s ads systems have also become buggy, making it difficult or even impossible to run campaigns." /3
⚠️ "Gabby Krite, head of digital operations at The Kite Factory, ... said she was experiencing technical difficulties in placing or changing advertising campaigns.

“Tech issues on campaign management . . . mean it’s completely unreliable as a platform to use.” /4
The tech issues are particularly significant, as they suggest that the drastic cuts to Twitter's engineering staff are preventing it from resolving problems. If it can't fix core functionality for its most important customers – the advertisers – it has a big problem. /5
As a result, the FT says, "Multiple top advertising agencies and media buyers told the Financial Times that nearly all of the big brands they represent have paused spending on the social media platform." /6

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