Russian missiles hit Polish Przewodow directly at the electricity power line which connects the EU with Ukraine, close to Dobrotvirska power plant in Ukraine, an important energy hub. Map: courtesy of ENTSO-E, the EU organization of electricity network operators.
The narrative „it was a Ukrainian anti-air missile“ is from the same Russian propaganda box like „it was a UKR interceptor“ after the MH17 kill. In 9 mths of the war, we had no case a UKR air defense missile losing its course and hitting ground targets. But a lot of RU cases.
Expect that the Russians will FLOOD the info space with all possible „versions“: Ukrainian air defense, NATO conspiracy, explosion of a military transport, etc., all „proved“ with „leaked documents“, „interviews“, „photos“. They did exactly this with MH17. Aim: disrupt discussion
Most probably it was not an accident. The Russians are testing our response. They are in a win-in game: if they hit the power line, they strangle Ukraine. If not they say it was not they / it was an accident and see, how fast we react and where are the weak spots in our reaction.
If we let us sink in a shithole „we don’t start WW3 over a tractor“ we find us in „over a single tank / military base / Danzig / Europe“ vortex. We MUST overreact like: „hallo Russians. You cannot hold your missiles, therefore mommy takes them from you, destroying your airbases“
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