A little over 3 years ago, I sat down with @rebekah_bastian to decide whether we would go all in as co-founders to launch @OwnTrail.

I was nervous, bc I had a ironclad non-negotiable based on my decade+ working with legacy social media. 🪡
If she was lukewarm on the issue, I was prepared to walk away from an idea I believed could change the world and from a brilliant leader who was fast becoming a dear friend.

Even then, I knew there was a better more human way to build a successful social platform.
My hands shook a little even as I told her I was out if the business plan was to monetize people’s milestones.

Selling ads against things like infertility, workplace discrimination and self doubt? Nope.

Thankfully, she agreed.
What we’re witnessing with Twitter right now is because their business model centers on brand ads…but also social capital.

Which brings me to non-negotiable number two: I would only cofound @OwnTrail if the business was committed to not replicating the winner-take-all model.
At best, it’s performative — I’d witnessed the sides of ourselves we left out to better serve the algo.

At worst, it rewards misinformation, hate and polarization. Al*x J*nes is one example of many here.

Again, @rebekah_bastian agreed.
This is the foundation @OwnTrail has always been built on. From pre-beta to our moment today as people look for alternatives to the bird app and Zuck’s app suite.

Are we early? Yes. Are we different? Yes. Are we perfect? No. But we are learning and building *with community*.
We don’t have it all figured out yet. But neither did early era Twitter (remember Favstar?) or college-only era FB.

And that’s part of the appeal. By joining us on the ‘Trail, you’re helping shape @OwnTrail now and in the future. You get in on the ground floor with us.
And you’re helping hold us to those non-negotiables as we grow.

If you’re asking for, searching for, craving a new era of social platform — this is your chance to help establish it.

Build it with us on @OwnTrail. 💜
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