I had the honor of giving the keynote at @tabconf 2022. The most signal-to-noise #Bitcoin developer conference in the world - ask anyone who attended.

I know not everyone got to be there, so I wanted to share some highlights in this thread ⚡

"WTF are you building?"
I started the discussion by posing a question to the room:

"Why are YOU here? Why are WE here?"

"What made you get on a flight to Atlanta and buy a ticket to this conference? What made us all gather in this one room together? What are we here to support?"
And of course the answer to that question is #Bitcoin. But we're not here to have a simple chat about Bitcoin.

We're here to talk about BUILDING BITCOIN.

More specifically we're here to discuss
And the reason we're all here is that we believe #Bitcoin is inherently better money technology 💸

One can go on about its properties such as its decentralized p2p nature, its censorship resistance, its fixed monetary policy, its predictable issuance schedule, etc etc 💪
"This belief is one shared by most, if not all, in the room right now."

In the audience we have engineers, cryptographers, miners, investors, designers, plebs, gamers, etc.

We each have our unique skills and expertise, but we're all pursuing this shared belief of #Bitcoin
Because, really, at our core we're all Bitcoiners 🖖

Bitcoiners ask why.
Bitcoiners challenge the status quo.
Bitcoiners believe there's a brighter future ahead.

Bitcoiners work hard to build that better future ✅
We seek this utopic future in which #Bitcoin is the currency of the world and the money of all peoples.

How do we bring that future forward such that humanity can more quickly reap the benefits of a shared global money system?

How do we make hyperbitcoinization happen now?
Under the `eyes` of the Bitcoin network and protocol, we are all equal.

Me, a node runner on a raspberry pi located in my basement,


You, an enterprise node running in a multinational corporation's global datacenters.

We're just nodes.
We're the same.
Over the past couple of years working in the industry I've identified 3 facets or pillars that in my opinion have the most impact in the overall growth and adoption of #Bitcoin globally at a large scale.

Let's break them down:
First off: Developer Education.

#Bitcoin is a very complex system. It introduces entirely novel concepts to many fields such as engineering and finance.

If we want to build a world where Bitcoin builders are abundant, we must teach them about this incredible innovation.
I'm a product of these dev education programs. Having participated in the 1st @ChaincodeLabs Lightning Network residency in 2018. Learning from those coding the actual protocol propelled me to pursue #Bitcoin full time.

I have also helped run BitDevs NYC for the past few years.
2 months ago I co-founded @vinteum_org a non-profit org that aims to foster the Brazilian and LATAM #Bitcoin development community through seminars, grants, and teaching & job placement programs ⚡

We also support @brrrunog, currently the only Bitcoin Core dev from Brazil 🇧🇷

Secondly: Mainstream Adoption.

Ah yes, the buzzword that means everything AND nothing at the same time 🤷

Mainstream adoption means building products and services that have expected user experiences - they feel familiar and solve problems, seamlessly w 10-100x in improvements.
To me, that is ZEBEDEE (@zebedeeio).

ZEBEDEE is a next-gen fintech for the gaming industry that builds on #Bitcoin and the Lightning Network ⚡ We provide APIs, SDKs, Developer Dashboard and everything developers need to power their in-game rewards/points/economies with #Bitcoin
There are 3 billion gamers out there, let's introduce them all to #Bitcoin!

At ZEBEDEE, we have products built for gamers and content creators. We solve real-world problems, and we introduce users to the powers of #Bitcoin through them.

"Meet the customer where they are."
But that's not enough!

✅ Teaching the next wave of Bitcoin programmers
✅ Building consumer-friendly apps and services built for non-tech-savyy users

We can do more!
We must do more! 💪
Let's go back to the basics.
What is the ethos of #Bitcoin?

Bitcoin represents freedom..
Freedom to choose your path
Freedom to own your money
Freedom to run your nodes
Freedom to Bitcoin!

Bitcoin is adversarial money. We all work towards the same purpose, in our own free ways.
We all know Bitcoin is a permissionless and trustless peer-to-peer network. This enables it to thrive as a global, open, and censorship resistant monetary system.

But really, at its core, Bitcoin is JUST free and open source software, available to all.
Bitcoin's code is wide open for anyone to audit, change, verify, introduce improvements to, etc.

Freedom to Bitcoin!

That is why open source software is the 3rd and final pillar.
At @zebedeeio we build on #Bitcoin

Today I'm announcing how we're building FOR #Bitcoin


What is NBD doing?

We're a team of shadowy super coders building open-source money software for the modern sovereign individual.

That's it, really, it's nbd.
We value transparency and open-source work. We value interoperability. We value sovereignty and the ability to hold keys.

But NBD is different. We also focus on sophistication. Modern individuals require modern product solutions with extensive features and capabilities.

Because it's No Big Deal.
"Today we're announcing a slate of open source products for the modern sovereign individual!"

Let's go through them:
First off: Open Bitcoin Wallet
(Codename: Obi Wan)

OBW is a new non-custodial mobile Bitcoin wallet with Lightning Network support. It is fully open source and available for Android, with iOS build coming soon.
OBW has TOR connectivity built in, full LNURL support, HWI interface for hardware wallets/zpubs, RBF & CPFP in order to boost transactions, as well as coin control & utxo management.

But more interestingly, it has native support for Hosted Channels ⚡
Before we discuss Hosted Channels, let's recall what Lightning Channels are:

☑️ 2-of-2 multisig
☑️ BTC deployed as liquidity to channels as collateral
☑️ trustless p2p network
☑️ provable payments (preimages)
☑️ bitcoin blockchain is the arbiter of any disputes/breaches
Let's play a scenario for Papa Satoshi, Mama Satoshi and the 3 Satoshi kids.

Papa Satoshi really wants to instill the notion of sovereignty into his family. He wants everyone to have their own nodes/mobile non-custodial wallets with their own keys.
But we all know the notorious problem with onboarding to LN.

One must first receive onchain BTC, then deploy BTC to a channel, and (somehow) acquire inbound liquidity, before being able to send & receive.

Without any Bitcoin, the kids are unable to participate in the network.
It'd be ideal if Papa Satoshi could allow his kids to send & receive on Lightning using HIS liquidity -- the famous Uncle Jim model!

That's where Hosted Channels come in.
Virtual trusted channels that allow Papa Satoshi's kids to transact without needing their own liquidity.
Hosted Channels TLDR
👇 👇 👇 👇
Hosted Channels allow for an individual to "graduate" from a Hosted Channel to a regular Lightning Channel over time.

Once the user has enough funds, an LSP can open an LN channel and push funds towards the user.

As an onboarding mechanism, Hosted Channels provide best UX.
Other examples:

Exchange A and Exchange B have offband contractual trusted partnerships. Why deploy BTC to an LN channel when you can use a costless Hosted Channel instead?

LSPs that open channels to their mobile wallet users can now scale through hosted virtual channels.
Hosted Channels are Lightning Network Channels without the underlying BTC capital requirements.

They are a trusted setup between two entities and can be very useful in certain use cases.
With Hosted Channels out of the way, let's continue on to the rest of the product releases.

If Papa Satoshi wants to have Hosted Channels with his family, he needs to serve them as an LSP.

That's where Poncho comes in - it enables one to SERVE Hosted Channels with ease.
Poncho is a CoreLightning (CLN) ⚡ plugin that adds full Hosted Channels capabilities to your Lightning node.

Poncho does all of the lower-level HTLC handling and channel provisioning, and is fully interoperable with bLIP0012.

Become "Uncle Jim" today!
Why stop there? Let's keep going!

Announcing Cliche!

Cliche is a new light Lightning Network node daemon that has full support for Hosted Channels (and normal channels).

With Hosted Channels you can start transacting on LN in under 1 minute without having any Bitcoin to start!

Cliche allows any developer to get started using the Lightning Network simply by requesting a Hosted Channel.

This dramatically reduces the time-to-transact for new participants on the network.

👇 👇 👇 👇
This all brings us to the last, but most certainly not least, Immortan!

Immortan is the glue that connects the pieces together. It is a Lightning Library -- a plug-n-play package that can be used by any wallet or application developer to provide it "Lightning" capabilities.
Immortan TLDR: LN library with native support for hosted channels

👇 👇 👇 👇
Open source products released by @nbd_wtf

✅ Immortan: LN library for plug-n-play Lightning features
✅ Cliche: LN lite node w support for hosted channels
✅ Poncho: CLN plugin to serve hosted channels
✅ OBW: Non-custodial mobile Bitcoin and LN wallet
At @nbd_wtf we will primarily work on OSS relating to the #Bitcoin and Lightning networks, including Hosted Channels. We will also focus our attention on other protocols such as LNURL and Lightning Address ⚡

We may dabble on edgy stuff like Spacechains and Nostr in the future!
NBD is all about transparency and inclusivity. We love contributions. We love PRs. We'd love your help!

Join us in our mission to provide better tooling for the modern sovereign individual. Or build an entire product suite on top of our code. It's all open source anyways.
Because NBD is NBD.
And it's No Big Deal.
I started the conversation by posing a very specific question: "Why are YOU here?"

I wanted to close it with another very specific sentiment, and our friend @niftynei put it very succinctly on a recent tweet:

Stop telling me what's going to happen
Show, don't tell!

Ask not what #Bitcoin can do for you, but what YOU can do for #Bitcoin!

Now go out and build the future!
This has been NBD.
Slides for the talk can be found here:

Shoutout to @briimhd @miketwenty1 @corptostartups @StephenDeLorme for putting on such a dope conference!
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