My pin says "not an adjective." Please don't say "I'm so OCD." OCD is not a preference for cleanliness or order. OCD is a disorder that includes life-inhibiting anxiety and intrusive thoughts. #OCDawarenessweek
OBSESSIVE: intrusive thoughts are disturbing or upsetting & pop into the head, often on a loop
COMPULSIVE: the brain makes up a thing you must do to get rid of the thought & anxiety, a "ritual" or repetitive behavior
DISORDER: consistent, frequent, life altering
OCD is not logical. (e.g. someone with contamination OCD might feel compelled to wash hands after touching a doorknob but not a light switch)
OCD is constantly changing.
OCD is accompanied by high anxiety.
OCD is life disruptive.
OCD is not fun.
OCD is highly treatable. Exposure therapy, when done correctly, has an extremely high success rate. It requires time, buy in, a lot of support, and a lot of patience.
Sending all the love to any of you who are navigating OCD on a daily basis, either for yourselves or your loved ones. It's not your fault. You're not alone. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ
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John Green @johngreen ยท Oct 12, 2022
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Great thread.