The many stages of #Covid

You: I had Covid, now I feel like death. Something is very wrong. I tried to ignore it but now I can’t work, eat, breathe, sit, stand, walk, speak or think. Technically, I’m alive but you can’t call this living. I need medical care.
Medicine: You look fine. All your tests are normal. You look anxious though. Anxiety is a powerful thing. You’d be surprised what it can do to your body.

Take this antidepressant.
You: Maybe you’re not doing the right tests?

Medicine: Maybe you’re a hypochondriac?
Allied health: I believe you. It’s not in your head. You need a holistic approach to wellness. Your health issues are in your gut, vagus nerve, past trauma and body deconditioning.

Take this sauerkraut, elimination diet, herbal tincture, guided meditation and exercise therapy.
Medical entrepreneurs: I’m sorry you’ve been taken advantage of. You need to treat the underlying cause. We have the answer. Big pharma has been trying to suppress it.

Take this life-saving cure as we are the only company who has the right tool and formula…
… Yes, it’s old technology and an ancient remedy but it works. It’s expensive but worth it… some people feel an improvement… I can’t say how many people. Yes, we’ve considered the placebo effect. No, our studies and data are private but here’s our marketing material.
Media: Young people leaving the workforce to lie in bed all day! Is it a real illness or psychosomatic? Some patients just don’t want to get better! The questionably ill are going broke trying experimental treatments! Breaking news, anxiety is linked to illness!
Scientists: What the feck is wrong with you all?! This is an untreated viral infection that’s causing serious multi system organ damage. The sick need actual medicine.

Remember the HIV/AIDS epidemic? This is airborne.

You need to heavily fund research, now! And FFS wear a mask.
Social media:👍 the patient experience is rough! That’s why I took my health into my own hands & carefully curated a method. It’s not easy but it works. I was able to return to 85% capacity. If I can do it, u can too. You just have to BELIEVE! But don’t believe everyone, just me.
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