Fixing famous paintings with AI (🧵)

First up, the Mona Lisa! Honestly, Da Vinci did a pretty sloppy job on this one by today's standards, but using Stability Diffusionâ„¢ we were able to bring her back up-to-date with contemporary trends.

Girl With a Pearl Earring is a classic portrait by Johannes Vermeer, and you can really tell he tried hard on this one. But look at the lack of detail in her hair!

Fortunately with Stability, this can be easily rectified.

You might recognize A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Seurat, but you'd be forgiven for not understanding the scene right away. If you look close, the painting is made of many tiny dots, which can make it hard to see what's going on. That's an easy fix!

American Gothic by Grant Wood holds a special place in our hearts, but it's simply not up to snuff by modern standards. The image is so pixelated, and what are they wearing?!?!

With AI, we can see how Grant might have reimagined this piece if he were still alive.

Claude Monet is famous for inventing Impressionism, a style of watercolor painting that emphasizes vague, unidentifiable shapes over clarity, realism and quality.

Here's how his study "Water Lilies" would have looked if he actually knew how to paint:
"The Scream" - Edvard Munch's only famous painting, is comprised mostly of weird swirls, that do a poor job of depicting the surroundings of the iconic screaming man.

With Stability Diffusion, we can see exactly what he found so terrifying! The Fjords!

Vincent Van Gogh was one of history's greatest sadboys. Due to this, many of his paintings are very expressionistic, but lack a certain "je ne vois pas."

Let's see what he was really looking at when he painted his iconic "Starry Night" all those years ago!

If you've ever seen "The Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli, you'll no doubt be struck by how unrealistic Venus's surroundings are. Just a bunch of vague, weird, abstract painted shapes.

Fortunately we have Stability Diffusion, which doesn't produce any of that!

This one was really difficult actually.
Your wish is my command!

The Ecce Homo, a classic work famously destroyed by a "human" "artist," now refined and fixed in all it's glory!

Using Stability to achieve the impossible! Restoring the ruined Ecce Homo back to full health!
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