It was such a pleasure co-organizing the NBER Innovation Research Boot Camp for PhD students with @Afinetheorem and @bfjo.

We had an amazing group of economists make time to teach & talk with this group.

Here’s a thread on what we covered in 11 sessions (w/ links to slides)…
1. @bfjo and I each prepared introductory slides to set the table for the boot camp.

Here are Ben’s:
2. Naomi Lamoreaux shared a historical perspective on innovation (e.g., how did the patent system arise and what can we learn from it?):
3. @pierre_azoulay encouraged students to think about science as an economic institution which itself creates incentives that shape scientists’ behavior:
4. I gave a lecture on intellectual property rights (e.g., patents) as innovation policy:
5. The inimitable @ChadJonesEcon gave not one but four presentations:

- The combinatorial growth model

- The semi-endogenous growth model and the potential futures for growth:
His paper with @I_Am_NickBloom, @johnvanreenen, and Michael Webb on “Are Ideas Getting Harder to Find?”:

And advice on how he works:
6. @bfjo covered human capital and innovation:
7. @sstern_mit spoke at dinner about the importance of clusters/agglomeration/geography for innovation and economic growth:
8. There’s an enormous wealth of knowledge in these six presentations from @johnvanreenen:

- Innovation policy intro:

- R&D spillovers:

- R&D tax credits:
9. @Afinetheorem lectured on the diffusion of innovation:
10. I moderated our wrap-up session with the incomparable @mattsclancy and @calebwatney .

@mattsclancy discussed how to productively interface with existing research papers in order to synthesize and ask new questions. No slides but see here:
.@calebwatney discussed how to choose research questions that can inform policy and government institutions. No slides but see here:

11. We ended with a great dinner keynote from @RebeccaReCap on organizations and innovation. As is usual, no slides at dinner (@sstern_mit was an exception, and needled me for it during his introduction…)
A special thank you to @open_phil for generously sponsoring this boot camp, to @nberpubs for hosting, and to @mattsclancy and @calebwatney for being willing to pinch-hit on some unexpected scheduling changes at the last minute.
Here’s a link to the full program:

Happy to announce that next year, @Afinetheorem, @bfjo, and I will have @inaganguli and @KRoyMyers joining us as co-organizers.

We will post details here and elsewhere when available.
Apologies to @johnvanreenen that I forgot to post his last 3 of 6 slide decks :)
@johnvanreenen 🙈 Very embarrassed that I forgot to thank our amazing and over-qualified course teaching assistants/social chairs @RyanReedHill and @carolyn_sms, who are both brilliant and knowledgeable about where to find good ice cream in Cambridge.
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