It's a tough world out there for creators...

Over half of Google searches end without a click.

And social media platforms ding you for linking out.

What to do?

Beat the platforms at their own game.

Make Zero-Click Content.

Here's how:
Zero-Click Content:

It offers valuable, standalone insights — with no need to click.

Clicking may be additive, but it’s not required.
Zero-Click Content is native to any platform:

• Twitter thread
• 60-second TikTok
• 200-word LinkedIn post
• etc etc

It’s easily consumed by anyone scrolling their feed, yet still provides value to the creator.

How can we get value if we can’t get trackable visits?

Just like our marketing forebears did:

Through hard-to-measure brand lift.
For marketers or creators, it means optimizing impressions without the goal of earning that click.

It's taking a leap of faith.
It means:

• Giving the juiciest information upfront...

• Earning engagement so the algorithm rewards your post...

• And building enough goodwill that your audience likes you, remembers you, and eventually — hopefully — seeks out your call-to-action.
For the audience, Zero-Click Content means less time wasted.

People are busy.

They want that dopamine hit now.

Then they’ll decide if it’s worth clicking on that 2,000-word blog post, 26-minute YouTube video, or 50-minute podcast.
After all, if a creator is generous enough to give away the punchline or the three most salient takeaways...

Surely the long-form version of that content is going to be worth it.
The savviest creators are already making Zero-Click Content:

• Thread writers
• LinkedIn influencers

Heck, even Howard Stern does it.

Paid radio service Sirius has hosted his show for years.

Lengthy celeb interviews...

And he posts the juiciest clips for free on YouTube!
A marketing case study:

I wrote a blog post about buyer personas, and the 2K words built up to this joke: a fake persona.

I didn't tease it: "Click to see my rant."

I didn't withhold the joke.

I used that joke to promote the blog post and webinar.

We got 900+ registrants. 🤯
Zero-Click Content is... scary.

Freely giving away value with no hope of tracking ROI goes against everything we were taught as marketers.

But have a little faith.

Dare to be even more generous.

Give your audience the information to help save them time and energy.
Believe that the progress you can’t measure...

• People you’ve helped
• Perspectives you’ve changed
• Becoming top of mind being made.
That’s the funny, counterintuitive nature of Zero-Click Content.

When you create content so valuable that it doesn’t need to be consumed off-platform...

It becomes even more likely that your audience will like, remember and trust you enough to eventually smash that CTA.
Once you see Zero-Click content, you can’t unsee it.

Lots more in my blog post:

• The platforms that encourage native content ✅

• Examples and receipts 🔥

• 3 frameworks for how to create zero-click content 😮
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