10 books that helped me build my 7-figure, one-person business:

The Minimalist Entrepreneur by @shl

How it helped:

I overcomplicate everything, so this book is a great reminder to keep it simple. He strips away all the complexity, delivering a straightforward read.

Key quote:

“You don’t learn, then start. You start, then learn."
@shl It Doesn't Have to be Crazy at Work by @jasonfried

How it helped:

While I no longer work in an office or with a team, this book is a great reminder to stay focused & eliminate distractions.

Key quote:

“Following group chat is like being in an all-day meeting with no agenda.”
@shl @jasonfried Zero to Sold by @arvidkahl

How it helped:

I felt like I could see parts of myself in the book, and I don't find that often.

Key quote:

"They'll be willing to pay if the solution saves them time, saves them money, or makes them money. If it does all 3, it's a guaranteed hit."
@shl @jasonfried @arvidkahl Atomic Habits by @JamesClear

How it helped:

Gave me systems and frameworks for building strong, repeatable habits. For a systems guy like me, this is critical.

Key quote:

"Goals are good for setting a direction but systems are best for making progress."
@shl @jasonfried @arvidkahl @JamesClear Factfulness by Hans Rosling

How it helped:

Not really a business book, but a great reminder that the world is getting better, no matter what we see on the news. This book helps keep me positive.

Key quote:

“There’s no room for facts when our minds are occupied by fear.”
@shl @jasonfried @arvidkahl @JamesClear The Psychology of Money by @morganhousel

How it helped:

Helped me set up a better strategy to feel financially secure & is the only finance book I've found interesting.

Key quote:

“Spending money to show people how much money you have is the fastest way to have less money."
@shl @jasonfried @arvidkahl @JamesClear @morganhousel The $100 Startup by @chrisguillebeau

How it helped:

Chris helped me understand that passion was just one part of the equation. Skills and customers matter.

Key quote:

“I can be very passionate about eating pizza but no one is going to pay me to do it.”
@shl @jasonfried @arvidkahl @JamesClear @morganhousel @chrisguillebeau The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business by @ElainePofeldt

How it helped:

Does a great job at breaking $1M businesses into six, digestible parts. This makes it feel more achievable.

Key quote:

“Uncovering an idea that you will enjoy thinking about every the secret."
@shl @jasonfried @arvidkahl @JamesClear @morganhousel @chrisguillebeau @ElainePofeldt Company of One by Paul Jarvis

How it helped:

Paul breaks down the benefits of staying small, rather than going big.

Key quote:

“There’s nothing wrong with finding the right size and then focusing on being better. Small can be a long-term plan, not just a stepping stone."
@shl @jasonfried @arvidkahl @JamesClear @morganhousel @chrisguillebeau @ElainePofeldt When to Jump by Mike Lewis

How it helped:

The book that convinced me to quit my job when I was ready. Lots of people don't like the book, but it gave me motivation.

Key quote:

"There is a difference between crazy and stupid. The difference lies in knowing when to jump."
@shl @jasonfried @arvidkahl @JamesClear @morganhousel @chrisguillebeau @ElainePofeldt That's a wrap!

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