Are you thinking about starting a DAO and weighing your options on different chains for deployment? Maybe you’re looking for a new tool to make your life easier or a super contributor looking for new ideas and ways to improve your DAO.

This thread is for you!

Let’s gooo!!! 🧵
Each week, we’ll talk about various DAO tooling and infrastructure projects that fall into one or more of the following categories;

👉and General Infrastructure
This week we’ll focus on 👉 General Infrastructure

We’ll start with @Gnosissafe.

The default multi-sig of choice for DAOs, @gnosisSafe is no doubt critical infrastructure for web3.

Head over to learn more and create your first safe.
Zodiac, the expansion pack for DAOs, built by @GnosisGuild.

What do we mean by expansion pack? 🤔
Well, let’s assume you’ve started with the basic trifecta;

You have,

@Discord for your social and communications layer
@Gnosissafe for your on-chain transactions and
@Snapshot for voting

Excellent! Great start. So, what does the Zodiac do?
Zodiac provides a flexible set of modular tools you can select from and adopt when the time is right for your DAO to help you down the path of progressive decentralization.
To participate, join the Gnosis Guild Discord today.

You’ll definitely want to head over to and read the article by @keikreutler on Zodiac. 💪
One of the brilliant DAO tooling solutions on @GnosisChain is @gardensdao. 🌿

Gardens is building a community of like-minded DAOs aligned around sustainable token economies building public goods.

You can check out the project at and take a look at the governance activity of awesome participating projects such as @Givethio, @tecmns, @BrightIDProject and more.

👉 👈
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