The idea of "community building" is a constant theme in web3, and who is doing it "best" is a debate in flux.

One thing is absolutely certain in my mind about community building in web3.
1. Communities in web3 are as real as the heart that beats in my chest.

There are fair criticisms of crypto, web3, NFTs, utility, the metaverse... but to criticize a community in web3 for being anything less than a group of people finding belonging, connection, and likeness
amongst another group of likeminded individuals is intellectually dishonest.

Web3 communities are perhaps the most substantial equity that web3 tokens provide, and the cooperation in these communities breaks down borders and barriers.
2. If everything in web3 comes crashing down by the end of the year and we never see another bull market like what we've experienced since 2017, then the one-mind of collective technology that's been built during these years of web3 discovery is still an unbelievable feat
of global buy-in and a philosophical shift in human cooperation at a scale never seen before in recorded history.

There will always be people who are decidedly going to look down on and hate something that is unfamiliar to them. I get it.
Learning a new thing (let alone an entirely new ecosystem) isn't easy.

But what has been accomplished in web3 over the last few years will still be discussed in classrooms when our children's children are in grade school.
3. To echo an age-old adage from the Bible, if web3 is going to make it, there's nothing anyone can to do stop it. So why resist?

It's an exciting time to be at the forefront of the most cutting edge technology in the world right now.
Hold tight. Bull market or bear market, what's being built right now is fascinating.
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