
This is a very complete reference book on Elliptic Curve Cryptography. I say reference book because this really shouldn’t be read cover-to-cover, or at least, I wouldn’t recommend doing that. This goes a lot more in-depth than the previous book, with a much heavier focus on mathematics.

Each of the chapters in the book is more or less independent, although they do build on each other, with some of the earlier chapters providing some more foundational material. The chapters are almost like individual papers. In fact, on a few occasions, I’ve stumbled upon papers when researching a topic, only to realize that they were actually chapters from this book.

For example, I had read the chapter on Montgomery Ladders before realizing that it was actually an excerpt from this book. I had read the paper multiple times too, while implementing Curve25519, but it had never clicked.

This is a book you want to have on your shelf if you’re interested in Elliptic Curve Cryptography.