The Forever War (The Forever War, #1)
- Book
- Dec, 1974
- #ScienceFiction
The Forever War book. Read 6,606 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. The Earth's leaders have drawn a line in the interstellar sand—d...
Number of Pages: 278
ISBN: 0060510862
ISBN-13: 9780060510862
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Tony Harper @tonyharper502
Jun 26, 2022
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Charles Engelke @charlesengelke
Jun 26, 2022
- Answered to What's your favorite pre-2010 sci-fi book that isn't from a very famous author?
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Jonathan Blow @jonathan_blow
Sep 6, 2022
The Forever War is a classic of hard SF that I enjoyed back in the day. I read We a couple years ago and really enjoyed it (the writing is great even in translation). Odd John has to be a -rec; I like Stapledon but Odd John is redundant with his other stuff and not very
Discrepant Ambiguity @DiscrepantAmbi1
Jan 9, 2023
- Answered to What are the best books with rapidly and unexpectedly changing technology?
- From Twitter
Haven’t seen anyone mention The Forever War by Joe Haldeman. From what I remember this is core to the premise - ships travelling at relativistic speeds encounter enemy ships that might be decades or more ahead or behind in technology depending on when they launched.
Steve Davies @SteveDavies365
Feb 28, 2023
- Answered to What are some must-read science fiction novels?
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