Michael Aaron Nielsen (born January 4, 1974) is a quantum physicist, science writer, and computer programming researcher living in San Francisco.
Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Architectures, Computation. The goal is integrity, not conformity.
Artificial intelligence researcher and writer on decision theory and ethics. Co-founder and research fellow at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI). Known for popularizing ideas related to friendly artificial intelligence.
The rest of those who have gone before us cannot steady the unrest of those to follow.
Technology Evolution Director @FlutterPLC - equity, cooperation, data, scalable systems/processes, org design, people & culture, lean/agile, science. He/Him
From SLAM to Spatial AI; Professor of Robot Vision, Imperial College London; Director of the Dyson Robotics Lab; Co-Founder of SLAMcore.
Programmer. X is lame. Quit.