Bitcoin is not progressive. It is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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Bitcoin’s technology requires no political influence to operate, yet the technology itself is deeply political.

It will drive a wave of conservatism across the globe.
At the surface level, Bitcoin is more “woke” than fiat.

It is more inclusionary. It does not discriminate. It is not controlled by anyone.

It was launched fairly, with no premine.

It protects minorities. It has no Cantillion effect.
However, diving a layer deeper. The core purpose of the Bitcoin network is to enforce property rights above all else.

Property rights are a core principle of conservatism.
Bitcoin is law. Once a transaction is added to the next block, it becomes immortalised for history.

As proved by the 2017 fork wars, Bitcoin is extremely resistant to change from the original rules.

A rule of law is a core principle of conservatism.
Bitcoin is freedom. Freedom to earn, trade and own.

With true economic freedom, comes true political freedom.

Something we haven’t had since sound money. Hayek describes this in “Road to Serfdom”.

Individual freedom is a core principle of conservatism.
Bitcoin is voluntary and peaceful. Everyone must opt in to everything. Technology replaces violence.
@JasonPLowery has provocative thoughts on this.

A voluntary and peaceful system enables free markets.

Free markets is a core principle of conservatism.
Bitcoin is human dignity. All UTXOs are treated equally. Anyone can use or access Bitcoin.

Human dignity is a core principle of conservatism.
Bitcoin is sound money. Sound money, with no debasement, clipping or seinorage.

This enforces governments to be fiscally responsible and more minor in size, as they cannot tax via inflation.

Fiscal responsibility and small government are core principles of conservatism.
Global geopolitics is becoming unstable. The US is collapsing. A massive power vacuum has opened up and the elites are not sure who will win.

Everyone can smell blood in the water and the sharks are circling.
The elites know a monetary reset is coming. As the cost of living rises, we will see growing calls for wealth redistribution and money printing.

Any asset subject to the whims of political seizure; fiat, stocks, housing, that can be seized, will be seized.
Seizing assets from productive people to redistribute to unproductive people creates supply scarcity.

Alongside an ever-increasing money supply to stop "financial collapse" or help the "cost of living"

This is the exact recipe for hyperinflation; Venezuela, Zimbabwe and Weimar.
Some jurisdictions will embrace Bitcoin, and others will attempt to ban it.

Bitcoiners must be strong to fight for sound money, but flexible enough to retreat to greener pastures.

Not all will survive.
Bitcoin is the lifeboat for the average person to survive with their wealth intact.
Bitcoin's adoption as money is inevitable due to its superior monetary properties to meet the requirements of a store of value, unit of account and medium of exchange.
For the ambitious, Bitcoin will be the birthplace of great leaders, thinkers, engineers, entrepreneurs, artists and scientists.

It will accelerate human progress.
In conclusion, the values of the money a society collectively uses, are the values superimposed upon society.

Bitcoin will bring about radical change, and new ideas will be born, but society will ultimately revert to being more conservative.

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