One could write a really interesting story about how Liz Cheney has used her position on the Jan6 Committee to provide a center of gravity to restore the Republican Party. But this WaPo story is not that.
One could also write a story about the degree to which Cheney's opening stated was designed to embarrass GOP leaders like Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell, with an assessment of whether it had worked at all.

This story instead treats the men involved as the agents here.
One could write a profile about how Cheney is risking everything in a bid to protect our democracy.

WaPo instead shrinks that down to a personal motive, not a fight for the country.
One could even do analysis about how Cheney's opening statement had the kind of myth-making that one uses to kick off a Presidential campaign.

WaPo treats that as a "some wonder" question, as if they're confused about what at $10M war chest can do.
Btw, the likelihood that Cheney would respond to a primary defeat in August by launching a Presidential run is why I noted that Cheney's adoption of the Reagan mantle would drive likely POTUS candidates Rubio and Cruz nuts.
But this 3,000 word profile does little of all that.

It's just another fucking horserace piece, as if democracy still exists if Cheney fails.
Unsurprisingly, Josh Dawsey is one of the contributors to this piece, someone whom (@feliciasonmez just got fired for noting) is paid much more than WaPo's harder working reporters to sit at Mar-a-Lago and transcribe whatever bullshit Trump utters.
@feliciasonmez Another piece that observes the way the Jan6 Committee is using Republican voices to make this case is this one, from @kyledcheney.
@feliciasonmez @kyledcheney Want to write political spin about the Jan 6 Committee hearings? Assess whether Cheney has gotten her targeting correct. Will this resonate with GOPers who happen to stumble upon some of it while Tucker is spinning conspiracy theories to try to distract them.
@feliciasonmez @kyledcheney Liz Cheney is trying to remind Republicans about who they used to be. The legacy of Republicanism they used to love to claim dear, from Lincoln through Eisenhower to the mantle of Reagan. "Tear down this wall."

Do Republicans who were lured by Trump's lies or power care anymore?
@feliciasonmez @kyledcheney I don't know the answer. But DAMN that could make a dramatic 3,000 word article.
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