"From Broke at 26 to $100 Million net worth by 31"

I had never heard of @AlexHormozi until a few weeks ago when @thesamparr and @ShaanVP interviewed him on their podcast.

Last weekend I had dinner with Alex and @LeilaHormozi.

👇 This is the story of how it happened...
Just for reference, here's the @myfirstmilpod video I watched...
At 1:04:43 in the video above, Sam tells Alex that he's exhausting... but in a good way (paraphrasing)

Those were my thoughts exactly. He seemed like a very experienced and wise dude dropping tons of knowledge—I was intrigued.
So I did a little digging on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter and started following @AlexHormozi on All The Things™
If you follow any of his accounts you'll learn he has a book on Amazon called "$100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No" for only 99¢.

The book → (affiliate link because why not)
I'm a bit of a book junkie so I will rarely not buy a book if it seems interesting. So I bought it. 🤓
I was taking my family on a beach vacation the next week so this was the perfect time to download and listen to some new material. ☀️📕🌊
The audio book was fantastic.

So good in fact, that I ordered the paperback as well to go through again, a little more carefully with notes.
We came back home from vacation and that was that. I listed to the book. Got inspired. Back to work.

But what about the Vegas trip?

(we're getting there)
Now that I was a new follower of Alex on IG, naturally his IG stories are showing up in the earlier slots for me.

So I watch his stories (strong stache game)...
After a few days, Alex posts a story that says something along the lines of...

"Hey my wife Leila and I are hosting a dinner for 5 entrepreneurs in Vegas this Sunday, if you want to join us fill out this form."
My wife and I had literally just had a conversation about how we desperately needed a no-kids vacation after "vacationing" with all of four our kids. So my interest was piqued. 👀
Not that we don't love hanging out with our kids, but there's only so many giant turtles I can help sculpt. 🐢
For some unknown reason, I knew in my gut that if I filled out that form, I would get invited.

So before I did, I sent the story to my wife.

(I later found out they removed it after an hour because of how many signups they received)
"Sure" she said. So I filled out the form.

Knowing the power of great design, I purposefully used my @shiftnudge URL to make a stronger impression than my neglected personal site.
Later that night, I got the ****YOU WERE SELECTED!**** email.
So after chatting with my wife, I sent the text.

Though in my haste I forgot to include my name in the first message. 😅
"Ok, I guess we're doing this." We scrambled a little to call the Grandma brigade to come handle our kids for the weekend...

Then we were off. ✈️
We figured, worst case scenario: this is some elaborate scam and there will be a high pressure pitch that I would simply walk away from after eating a free fancy meal. But hey, also quick impromptu no-kids vacation to Vegas. Still a win. 🎰
Best case scenario: Alex and Leila are genuinely hosting a dinner–mastermind of sorts to get to know more people. In this case, I get to make friends with some high–level people who've seen a lot of success. 😎
The latter is what happened. The Hormozi's were super chill, down to earth, and genuinely kind. They hosted a great dinner and answered all kinds of questions about everyone's business. Plus we had a super fun lil' Vegas trip.
Key takeaways:

• When you have the chance to fly somewhere fun to meet cool people, do it.
• Everyone talked about different biz things, but this quote from @hormozi is a good summary. "Simple scales, fancy fails."
• Vegas in June is hot AF, dress accordingly.

✨ Bonus, I hit a new bench PR (275x3) the morning after our Vegas dinner. (they only had a Smith machine at the hotel gym but I'm still counting it)

Follow along for more shenanigans → @mds and share the OG tweet if you enjoyed the story. 😊👍

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Great thread!!