The Great Replacement.

When the Buffalo Shooter went on his racist rampage, he left a manifesto saying Replacement Theory was one of his motives.

Now dishonest people have decided to paint all republicans/conservatives with Replacement theory.

SO, lets talk about it

The term "The Great Replacement" comes from a 2011 essay by French thinker Renaud Camus. The essay claims elites are attempting to replace the white European populations demographically and culturally replaced with non-white people. Camus is basically arguing that...
There is a collaboration among the elites to undermine the French people by replacing them. Bertolt Brecht once asked "Is it possible for government to dissolve the people and elect another?" Camus thinks the Great Replacement is an attempt to do that in France.

The "Great Replacement" idea has been fused with the ideas of Neo-Nazi David Lane.

Lane (who is in prison for his role in murdering a Jewish talk show host amongs other things) wrote the "white genocide manifesto" and claimed there was a plot to genocide white people...
As one can expect from a neo-nazi Lane blamed the "white genocide" on the Jews.

What ended up happening is that various groups took ideas from both Renaud Camus and David Lane and mixed them together into a new theory which takes the worst of both of these theories...
The new theory is anew "Great Replacement" theory that says there is a plot by elite Jews to take over majority white countries by replacing white people with non-white people.

THAT is what most people mean when they say "Great Replacement." They aren't referring to the...
Original french essay, they are referring to the new theory which is a mixture of the french essay with white genocide theory.


Why are people trying to smear Republicans with this Great Replacement theory?

That explanation is simple, but we need to set it up...
In 2002 a book was written by John Judis and Ruy Texiera called "The Emerging Demographic Majority"

They argued that owing to voting patterns and demographic shifts that soon Democrats will have a lock on America's electoral college...
The idea is that since most non-whites and college educated white vote Democrat, and since non-white will be a majority by 2050, Democrats should lean into those voters and cater to them in order to create a lock on the electoral college.

And this is where the trouble begins.
You see, left leaning news outlets and organizations regularly trumpet the demographic shift. They see it as a good thing because they think that the demographic voting patters will help their side, the Democrats, win elections.

This idea is called "Demographics is destiny"
Democrats and various other left wing groups talk about this all the time.

The implication is that once there are enough non-white people the political left will be in charge of the United States permanently.

The video below is a good example

So what does thisnhave to do with Great Replacement?

Well problem shows up when left leaning activists like Judith Browne say things like"we want to *MAKE* demographics destiny."๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

What can that mean? How does on "MAKE" demographic destiny. The only way to do that is to intentionally change the demographics of the nation, and that would mean using immigration policy to bring in non-white people, and give them the ability to vote.

Guess what....
While "Demographics is Destiny" is not the same as "The Great Replacement" (Demographics is Destiny lacks the conspiritorial nature and anti-semitism of the Great Replacement) there is a similarity: the idea that it's possible to use demographic changes for political gain.
To make matters worse, the Demographics is Destiny" people often use the word "replace" when they discuss demographic changes.

Whether this is intentional or not, it sounds like Great Replacement Theory.
Not all leftists play the demographic game. @Noahpinion does a good job here of explaining why playing the demographics as politics game is a very bad idea:
The point here is that there is a distinct movement on the left to use the "Demographics is Destiny" strategy. And that strategy, while *NOT* the same as the Great Replacement, has some similar threads.

So this is what is happening:
Unscrupulous people will use the "Demographics is Destiny" strategy, and when you point it out they pretend you believe in the Great Replacement conspiracy theory.

What they want is to be able to play the Demographics game without anyone pointing out what they are doing...
They conflate Demographis is Destiny with Great Replacement so if you accuse them (for example) of setting immigration policy to increase currently left leaning voting demographics so they can get votes, they smear you by saying you believe in the Great Replacement Conspiracy
So, this is the game that is afoot.

To be clear, the Great Replacement is a nutty, anti-Semitic, ugly, conspiracy theory meant to slander Jews and start a race war.

Demographics is Destiny, on the other hand, is an actual strategy that some on the left are trying to use.
It is important that we do not confuse these because we do not want to give credence to the Great Replacement, but we also do not want to let people off the hook for playing demographic games to win elections.

So lets be careful to distinguish them one from another.

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