An interesting form of wealth creation is when a particular kind of project moves from "Basically requires a driven hyper-effective person to make it their singular mission for years to cause this to happen" to "We can deterministically clone stamp that out given X inputs."

That transition will generally cause the *price* of the thing at issue to decline precipitously, but generally implies that society is much, much better off for having undergone the transition.
Examples include: franchising when executed well (Java programmers will love that McDonalds is a BurgerFactoryFactory), the culture that is Tokyo mid-rise construction, (perhaps controversially) vertical SaaS companies, etc.
Some more:

How Shenzhen et al can reliably and (relatively!) deterministically do scaled production runs of projects designed/conceived/funded/etc by teams of 1 to 3 people.

(See @sekiro_fan's reply) Scaled compute via cloud services, both as perceived by user and internally.
Say what one will about Musk, btw, I think SpaceX has a lot of this energy.

I remember growing up and hearing news months in advance about e.g. Shuttle launches.

Musk, to himself: "Worlds in which schoolchildren can trivially count launches are dumb worlds to live in."
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