This tool allow you to batch cancel all your HEN swap, or to batch reswap everything to :

Now that we know that all current swaps are safe, switching to objkt is up to everyone. Pro/Cons:
1/ if you keep your swap on HEN contract ⬇️
then your swaps are visible on every HEN fork + but you send 2.5% of each sale to the person who pushed the kill switch.
2/ if you reswap on objkt, your swaps are only visible on, not on HEN forks, and objkt collect the fees. ⬇️ swap (ie ask) are visible in some community tools (my tools, including live feed, and every tool that used to already include swaps from objkt)

So up to you to choose what is the best for you, I don't have any opinion to share, nor advice to provide ;-)
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