so I just did a little of the old arithmetic and it looks like I'm gonna need to make something like £20k in revenue in April for various reasons

brace yourself, marketing is coming

1/ finish making and then release a new self paced course I'm making (Playful Creativity) - this is long overdue anyway

2/ write a lot more about AT on Twitter and on

3/ improve the course sales page, put up some proper testimonials
that's probably enough - I would say 'do more coaching' but that's very time consuming and isn't something I do for the money anyway

(coaching is one of those things that's hard to make lots of money from unless you do LOADS of it or you charge very premium rates)
heads up on that last point @VividVoid_ - most coaches I know do coaching AND other stuff, e.g. workshops, courses, random other shit that they can flex around coaching

this doesn't apply to the super high end exec coaches who charge like $500+ per session of course
sneak preview of Playful Creativity

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