early product mgr & first lead PM @stripe. product advisor. formerly @twitter @google @yahoo. my tweets are useful for some—useless for many—not for everyone ❤️
📖 I tweet about books & becoming a better reader. 🎙 Host of "The Reader's Journey" podcast. 📧 Get a free book summary every week (link in bio)
I tweet about marketing 👇 | Help companies with their Marketing Ops @clearbit | Host of The Marketing Millennials Podcast | Former D1 Football Player
I build businesses while staying healthy. Founder @herbworthy + Bitmaker (acq. @GA). Entrepreneur, investor, coach. Automate + eliminate + delegate
CEO @Divar_Official || Ex-CEO @Snapp_Team || Ultra Fan @ManUtd & @PersepolisFC || In Pursuit of Happiness!