The smartest people on the planet take complex things and make them simple.

Simple enough that a 5 year old can understand.

5 real-world business examples that do just that 👇
Business Scenario:
Our product costs $500K.
They offered us $200K.
How should we negotiate back?

#1. The Real Estate Analogy:
“If someone offers you $1M for a $2M house, you don’t counter. You let them try again.”
Business Scenario:
He’s an asshole BUT he's so talented.
People around him just quit / give up.
How can we fix it?

#2. The Talented Asshole Analogy:
“Ever heard of Oliver Miller?. Of course you haven’t. He was 2X as talented as MJ but had the attitude of Latrell Sprewell."
Business Scenario:
They’re a big fish that pay us $500K a year.
We HAVE to make it work.

"Blockbuster focused all their time on serving big-box Hollywood DVD producers instead of customers. What happened to them?"
Business Scenario:
They have so much potential.
They just aren’t ramped.

#4. The “It-Will-Happen-Soon @SahilBloom Employee” Analogy

@SahilBloom Business Scenario:
His credentials are too strong to let him go.

#5. “We’re Holding on to a Pipe Dream Employee” Analogy
"Theres SO MANY Ivy League grads that never panned out.
I've hired a bunch that SUCK. Move on, credentials now-a-days mean jack sh*t."
@SahilBloom There are so many more of these.

I'm happy to share more but want to make sure it's wanted / warranted.

Like/comment/RT so I can gauge demand.

Also, I share learnings from founding, operating, and investing in vertical SaaS businesses. For more drop a follow @lukesophinos
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