American entrepreneur and investor. Co-founder of Counsyl and former CTO of Coinbase. Former general partner at Andreessen Horowitz.
Host of @whatbitcoindid and @defiancecast podcasts.
Co-founder & CEO at @Coinbase Co-founder @GiveCrypto Building an open financial system for the world.
Hanging out on the edges of the internet @ludlowventures
monkey see monkey do
project investor & advisor, #web3 #ethereum, #defi & #nft art, most posts are 💩 posts & not advice 🖼 🦇🔊
ceo @replit — bringing the next billion software creators online — work with me: 🇯🇴🇵🇸 #Bitcoin
Stories & Systems - #WayTruthLife - Husband - Father (5) - Author - Freelancer - Cinephile - Polymath - Suns Fan - Share Life. Thrive Together.