I've spent my career investing.

A bad investment can derail your life.

Here are the 35 best investments you should make in yourself:
1/ Good Friends

Good friends are supportive, motivating, and honest with you.

Keep them around.
2/ A Quality Tailor

You can buy a suit from the Goodwill and a good tailor will make it look like it cost $1000.
3/ Durable Luggage

Do not buy cheap luggage. Pay the extra $200.

It will last a lifetime.
4/ Insulated Water Bottle

If you don't have one, get one.

Other water bottles are just not good.
5/ Nice Shoes

Shoes tell a lot about your appearance but can also cause discomfort if made cheaply.

6/ A Supportive Spouse

Probably the number 1 investment you can make.

Be with someone who pushes you towards your dreams. Anything less is not worth it.
7/ House Cleaners

Coming back to a clean home just gives you peace of mind.

And allows you to watch Tinder Swindler in a spotless place.
8/ Mattress

If you ever sleep on a really good mattress you'll never go back.

@austinschless can tell you all about the importance of sleep.
9/ Two-Ply Toilet Paper

Please stop buying 1-ply.

10/ A Nice Bicycle

A cheap bike is a disaster waiting to happen.

A good bike will last a lifetime.
11/ Quality Time with Loved Ones

No one has ever regretted spending time with people you love.
12/ Premium Liquor

Do not reach down to buy your alcohol.

Everything you buy should be eye-level or above in the store.

Your body will thank you for it in the morning.
13/ Desk Chair

Spend a little extra for a desk chair.

Notice several of my suggestions have to do with your back not hurting...

Just do it.
14/ Fitness

Health is wealth.

Take your fitness seriously and don't balk at paying a few dollars to do so.

@jbonhotol & @futurefitapp will cover you here.
15/ Food

Food that is good for you costs more.

There are some things you can cheap out on.

Food is not one of them.
16/ Cheering Others On

Being supportive of others is a cheat code in life.

Be supportive of what others are doing.

It will come back 10x to you.
17/ House Movers

Don't move your stuff yourself.

Hire movers.

You'll be glad you did.
18/ Reynolds Aluminum Foil

Have you ever used cheap aluminum foil before??

Case closed.
19/ Decent Garbage Bags

Similar to the aluminum foil example.

If you want the bag to break on the way to the dumpster, then buy the cheap ones.
20/ Babysitters

Don't be cheap when it comes to your kids please.
21/ Nice Paint

If you are doing any home improvement, buy a nice quality paint.

It will look 10x better than the cheap paint at 3x the price.
22/ Macbook

If you are buying any other laptop at this point....we need to have a talk.
23/ A Good Couch

After your mattress, it's where you'll spend the most time at home.

Don't buy the cheapest couch you can find. I promise it won't last very long.
24/ Service Professionals

Plumbers. Electricians. Etc.

Don't be cheap. You'll get what you pay for.
25/ High Thread Count Sheets

For an extra $20 to $30, your sheets will feel amazing.

Well worth the investment.
26/ A Nice Hotel

A good hack is to sort Trip Advisor by guest rating.

You can usually find hotels that punch above their weight.

A nice hotel experience is just one less thing to worry about on vacation.
27/ German or Japanese Knives

A cheap knife is like a cheap tent.

One cut with a good knife and you'll never go back.
28/ Continued Education

The biggest issue with people as they get older is they stop learning.

Never stop learning.

If things get too overwhelming (web3 for me) just find a source you enjoy (@MilkRoadDaily for me) and stick to that.
29/ Lawyer

If you ever have legal issues, a good lawyer is worth whatever they charge.

Don't go to prison because you were cheap.
30/ Accountant (CPA)

A good accountant will save you more money than they ever cost you.

Pay for a good one.
31/ An Investment Professional

Whether it is the fees they charge in their fund or fees they collect for managing your money, a good investment professional is vital.

They also will make you more money than they ever cost.
32/ A Shoe Shine

Costs $5.

Will make your shoes look brand new.

33/ A Good Book

I don't trust people that don't read.
34/ Traveling the World

For what it costs to go to Disney, you could travel and experience completely different cultures.

The ROI on expanding your mind can't even be calculated.
35/ Twitter

A lot of money and valuable relationships are made on Twitter.

Curate your feed so it's high value.

It can also be a huge time suck if you don't use it right.
If you enjoyed anything here, it would be great if you could share with more of the Twitter community.

Just retweet the first tweet:

I'm Chris.

I send my community 2-3 threads a week similar to these.

Come along for the ride.

๐Ÿ‘‰ @chrisxmunn ๐Ÿ‘ˆ
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