Ukraine's Ambassador to the UN read out text messages between a Russian soldier and his mother moments before he was killed. He read them in Russian.

"Mama, I'm in Ukraine. There is a real war raging here. I'm afraid. We are bombing all of the cities...even targeting civilians."

Here's a transcript of a Russian soldier's last text messages to his mother that Ukraine's Ambassador to the UN just read out from screenshots at the emergency session of the UN General Assembly
Ukraine's UN Ambassador asks assembly to “visualize the magnitude of the tragedy...imagine next to you, next to every nameplate of every single country in this general assembly, more than 30 souls of killed Russian soldiers already. Next to every name of every single country."
Worth noting that this has been a key part of Ukraine's messaging: Zelensky and other Ukrainian officials have repeatedly emphasized the tragic toll of young Russian soldiers' lives, often with empathy for their families back home & speaking directly to Russian mothers.
Full story here: As casualties have mounted, so have Ukrainian officials’ efforts to appeal directly to the Russian people, saying they are being lied to about a war Moscow still calls a “special operation."
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