Americans are productive AF.

But there isn't much community.

No after-work meetups at the pub. No popping over to neighbors houses unannounced. No kids playing with other kids and group dinners several nights / wk.

And I think thats why most Americans are miserable.
Work from home & isolation isn't helping.

Very few people I know spend much time enjoying the company of folks in their community.

They punch the clock & go about the rat race looking forward to that next vacation.

And when they get there they've forgotten how to socialize.
My kids are going to go door to door when they're 8 asking if other kids can come out and play.

And their parents are going to say no.
Social media and tech have led to a bunch of people staying really connected by texting and instagram to folks on the other side of the country who they see once every two years.

And so they can be in complete isolation in their own towns.
I'm going to try my hardest to buck this trend.

We work really hard to develop friendships in my town.

I'll always having a full house - kids friends, family, neighbors.

And I won't be a helicopter parent to my kids as they explore our neighborhood and town.
A lot of people are led to believe by the media that the world is more dangerous now. Drugs, killers, etc.

Its safer than it has ever been.

When I was 7 running around my neighborhood crime rates were at all time highs in the USA.

They've dropped 80% now!
Tech is ruining happiness.

You have porn, video games, tv shows, social media, video clips on facebook, food delivery...

So nobody needs to go out and spend time with anyone!!
If you're sitting in your house in the middle of a 60 hour remote work week watching netflix or playing video games scrolling Twitter and realize that you don't have any friends...


You'll be way happier.
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