Business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. Co-founder of Microsoft and key figure in the microcomputer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s.
High school dropout turned psychology scholar. Earned a GED, Bachelor of Arts in psychology, and a PhD in social psychology. Currently a professor at Harvard University.
Investor and venture capitalist at Kleiner Perkins. Member of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Author of Measure What Matters and Speed & Scale: An Action Plan for Solving Our Climate Crisis Now.
Marketer, engineer, physician, and entrepreneur. Founder and chairman of the X Prize Foundation, co-founder and executive chairman of Singularity University, and co-author of bestsellers Abundance and BOLD.
📖 I tweet about books & becoming a better reader. 🎙 Host of "The Reader's Journey" podcast. 📧 Get a free book summary every week (link in bio)
👨‍⚕️ Doctor, 🧪 YouTuber, 🎙 Podcaster @noverthinking
I tweet mostly about great books and ideas. Retoolin' at @retool. Also: @tommyinhebrew
Neuroscientist, author, photographer, entrepreneur, and inventor. Founder and executive director of Neuroscape, David Dolby Distinguished Professor of Neurology, Physiology, and Psychiatry at University of California, San Francisco. Co-founder and chief science advisor of Akili Interactive Labs and JAZZ Venture Partners. Inventor of the first video game approved by the FDA as a medical treatment.
Rosekind, born in San Francisco in 1955, experienced the loss of his father, a motorcycle policeman, in 1958 while chasing a speeding vehicle.
Software Developer learning Full Stack + Web3 Enthusiast #WomenInTech #100Devs
I'm definitely on the cheeseburgers. what are you looking at my gut for? essentially, I am a human parody of the average WEIRD person.