A few facts about life you need to hear.

Whether you want to or not: 🧵
My friend @wdmorrisjr said something once I'll never forget.

"The biggest lie we tell ourselves is that if circumstances were different, WE would be different."

No, you wouldn't.

If you won't do it now, you won't do it then.

Action leads to change, not the other way around.
Stop taking things at face value.

We're all heavily influenced by what we're told to believe.

Our peers, the evening news, family––you name it.

People around us shape our worldview.

Question motives, motivation, & ask what really matters.

Then decide for yourself.
Elon Musk once said, "They laugh at you just before they applaud."

Place more importance on solving problems correctly than looking smart while doing it.

They'll be plenty of time for people to praise your intellect after you deliver them to the promised land.

Get there first.
There's always one hater.

It doesn't matter who you are, what you're doing, or how successful you become.

There will always be people trying to bring you down.

Ignore them.

Go over, around, push through.

Just don't let them stop you.

You stop = They win.
99% of our problems stem from our inability to forego instant gratification.

Relationships, fitness, financial wellness...

All fall short of expectations when long-term success is sacrificed for immediate pleasure.

Lean into waiting.
Stop blaming others for what you don't have.

To deny that people have different circumstances is ignorant.

To accept it and assume you can't move upward, well that's entirely different.

People love underdogs.

People love a fighter.

Get in the ring & people will back you.
Material wealth ≠ joy.

Of course, having money makes some things easier.

Removing financial stress can change how you play the game, but if you're playing the wrong game, you still lose in the end.

Real friends, mental & physical health, a sense of purpose.

This is true joy.
Just because you have talent & ambition doesn't mean you'll succeed.

To go a step further, taking action isn't all it's cracked up to be either.

Execution is where the magic happens.

Combine talent, ambition, & the ability to execute and you'll become an unstoppable force.
There are things you suck at.

We all like to think we're a little bit better at some things than we are.

We allow ourselves to chase after opportunities that may be better left to someone else.

When you try to do everything, you end up not doing anything as well as you could.
People are selfish - yes, that includes you.

But, contrary to what you've been told, it's ok––when channeled correctly.

When focus on self is used to increase knowledge, skills, or broaden perspective it has a compounding effect.

Put your oxygen mask on 1st, then help others.
Pick your battles.

Not every fight is worth fighting.

It's ok to let someone else "win" once in a while.

You don't always need to be right, and you don't always have to come out on top.

Just because you're invited to an argument doesn't mean you have to show up.
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