Free advice for Conservative leadership candidates... Stop getting people to try to *like* you. No one *likes* conservatives much in this country, even in normal times. They're a necessary evil who get elected when Libs or NDP get too high on themselves. Like, e.g., right now...
To the extent you're "likeable," that's a bug, not a feature. What ppl want is the boss who walks into a room and fires all the idiots. No one likes that guy. What's worse, the attempt to convince everyone you're likeable turns you into a sort of grinning Mr Potato Head....
This does NOT mean u become a Trump-style asshole. What it means is u have one job: get rid of the asinine crap that even many of JT's own followers hate: the race baiting, genocide this & genocide that, flag lowering, knee bending, & all the other photo-op hashtag bullshit ....
Don't tell me you want to me my best friend. We distrust all politicians, even you, and no I don't want to shake your outstretched hand. I want you to be the hard ass antihero who slaps the upper middle class out of the insane social panic that's seized it since canada150....
Your ads: I don't want to see you hugging kids. I don't care if you have a dog. I don't even want to see a picture of YOU. Your ads should be B-roll of everything we hate about the weird clique of self loathing cultists who've redefined canada as a sort of Nordic mordor
main advantage of this approach: voters will *believe* you will do this agenda once elected. bcuz we know you WANT to do it. Unlike other nonsense ("elect me & you'll own your own home! climate change will be solved!") this promise *creates* trust (i.e. in u) instead of erodes it
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