Major news: we’ve raised $150M for a new entity to build the largest ecosystem of Bitcoin applications.

Bitcoin can be a productive asset and final settlement layer for web3 apps.

Say hello to Trust Machines:
1/ I’m doubling down on Bitcoin and Stacks.

Recent success of Stacks has shown how powerful smart contracts for Bitcoin can be. There is a tremendous opportunity to use BTC as a trillion dollar productive asset and grow the Bitcoin economy. We’ve barely scratched the surface.
2/ Along with JP Singh, a Princeton CS Professor, I’ve started Trust Machines to unlock the next chapter of Bitcoin apps.

Building upon the success of Stacks, Trust Machines will build the apps and underlying tech to unleash the true potential of Bitcoin as a settlement layer.
3/ Our initial funding comes from Breyer Capital, DCG, GoldenTree, Hivemind, USV, and others.

Our investors believe in our thesis that Bitcoin is far more than a passive store of value; it can be a final settlement layer and platform for web3 applications.
4/ I’m transitioning to Executive Chairman at Hiro, the developer tools company for Stacks. Hiro has a strong leadership team and a clear focus to build the best developer tools and APIs.

Hiro APIs now serve 400M+ requests, and thousands of devs use Hiro tools.
5/ I’m excited to welcome @alexlmiller as the new CEO of Hiro (from COO). Alex joined from Stack Overflow, where he grew the dev business before the $1.8B acquisition.

@diwakergupta who joined from Dropbox earlier and led Stacks mainnet launch will be Hiro’s first CTO. Congrats!
6/ At Trust Machines, we believe that Bitcoin will lead us into a new era of computing. 

Alan Turing’s work started computer science. Now we’re going from Turing Machines to Trust Machines: computer programs where you don’t need to trust anyone.
7/ Trust Machines will build upon the success of Stacks, create new Bitcoin apps, and contribute to underlying platforms, including Bitcoin itself.

We’ll hire Bitcoin Core devs and unleash Bitcoin’s true potential for web3 apps.

It’s time to build on Bitcoin! 🚀
P.S: We have 15+ open job positions, including for Bitcoin Core devs!

Partial list:
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