1/ Web3, as the next evolution of the internet, is so painfully obvious.

Yet - the great majority of the mainstream remains skeptical, and the average internet user is unaware of this new paradigm shift.

How do help someone see the value in Web3?

2/ It's okay if people are skeptical.

The great majority of projects in Web3 do not yield any fundamental value. There is no product. Most are a ponzi of influence, using FOMO and hype mechanics at the heart of their growth engines.

So how do we communicate the value of Web3?
3/ First, show them that it works.

In Web3, ownership & governance is decentralized. You own a piece of the internet services you use via tokens.

I onboarded friends into Web3 by showing them how to secure an ENS domain. They were delighted with their airdrop and voting power.
4/ Point them to insightful content on the subject.

The most useful I've come across on Web3 is this podcast by @naval & @cdixon on the @tferriss show.

This pod will equip the listener with a comprehensive understanding of the technology.
5/ Have them follow the right people.

Most enter the space via a PFP collection, and mass-follow NFT influencers. Nothing wrong with this, as long as you understand their primary mission is to pump their own bags.

Below are some people who've provided me with the most value:
7/ Offer real world analogies and parallels. This tweet, while some of the comparisons are imperfect, helps to describe some of the NFT terminology in a familiar way. Friends with experience trading stocks will have a lightbulb go off.

8/ The simplest way to think about Web3 is ownership. Cooper Turley (@cooopahtroopa) explains it perfectly in this clip.

9/ An important note - make sure to not only educate people on the positives and opportunities in the space, but also to educate people on the scams, dangers and perils - these are running absolutely rampant.

10/ Ultimately, the best way to see the value in Web3 is to participate. Buy some ETH. Download MetaMask. Buy an NFT and join a Discord community. Join a DAO. Explore virtual worlds.
11/ The curious will be rewarded with an understanding that these experiences are a glimpse into the future. We have a long way to go, but it’s coming. Web3 is inevitable.
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