In 2021, I shared 85 threads on Twitter.

On business, finance, growth, writing, startups, frameworks, & more.

Here are my top threads of 2021 (and TLDRs of each):
The Most Powerful Paradoxes of Life

A paradox is a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement that, when investigated, may prove to be true.

Life is full of paradoxes.

Once you become aware of them, you will find yourself empowered to use them to your advantage.

How to Win (Without Talent or Luck)

We all want to win.

Our definitions of “winning” vary—happiness and fulfillment to some, money and fame to others—but we all want to win.

You've been told that you can’t win without incredible talent (or sensational luck).

This is wrong...

The Story of Morris Chang & TSMC

In 1983, a 52-year-old senior executive was passed over for his company's top job.

He would go on to found and build the most strategically important company in the world.

Business, geopolitics, mental models—this one has it all.

The Feynman Technique

A powerful framework for learning anything:

Step 1: Identify a topic
Step 2: Try to explain it to a 5-year-old
Step 3: Study to fill in gaps
Step 4: Organize, convey, and review

Genius is the ability to simplify, not complicate. Simple is beautiful.

The Cold Email Guide

One cold email can change your life—open doors to a new job, secure a new mentor, or unlock new opportunities.

A cold email has the ultimate asymmetric return profile: Huge upside, limited downside.

Here's a framework for optimizing your cold outreach.

The Framework Handbook

Every single day, you’re faced with thousands of questions, challenges, and decisions.

It’s overwhelming.

Frameworks can help—they provide structure through which to evaluate situations, deploy shortcuts, and execute sound decisions.

Supply Chain Apocalypse

By now, you’ve heard that global supply chains are in a state of disarray.

But most of us still have no idea how or why we got into this mess.

In an effort to fix that, here’s an Econ 101 breakdown of what’s causing our ongoing supply chain woes.

The New Way to Learn

Learning is a skill—arguably the most important skill.

But unfortunately, it’s not one you’re ever explicitly taught how to approach--particularly in a way that's suited for the Information Age.

Let’s fix that...

Principles of Life

I recently found out I'm going to be a father.

With that in mind, I sketched out a list of principles of life—formed through my own failures—that I hope to be able to teach my boy as he grows up.

I plan to do my best to teach—and embody--all of them.

The Cognitive Bias Handbook

Cognitive biases are systemic errors in thinking that negatively impact decision-making quality and outcomes.

Combatting them requires awareness.

Learn about the 20 most common cognitive biases in this thread.

The Logical Fallacy Handbook

Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning that undermine the quality of an argument.

Combatting them requires awareness.

Learn about the 20 most common logical fallacies in this thread.

The Power Business Writing Guide

The most successful people in the world share one common trait: a deep, visceral understanding of the importance of powerful, efficient, high-leverage writing.

Clear writing is clear thinking.

Want to level up? Learn to write more effectively.

The Cantillon Effect: How the Rich Get Richer

In our present age of aggressive monetary and fiscal policy response, this may be the most important economic concept you’ve never heard of.

A simple breakdown—what it is, how it works, and why you should care.

The Evergrande Train Wreck

The slow-motion calamity surrounding The Evergrande Group—a massively over-indebted Chinese property developer—is the train wreck that the world can’t help but watch.

A simple breakdown on the business, background, and its very public demise.

How to Stand Out in a Hiring Process

In a tight labor market, hiring processes are becoming increasingly competitive.

But you’ve incorrectly been told that the only way to stand out is with fancy degrees and credentials.

Master these basics and you'll be ahead of the game.

The Storytelling Guide

Storytelling is a superpower—but an underrated one rarely talked about alongside other key traits of highly-successful people.

This thread deconstructs the principles of effective storytelling that you can start using today.

Your Zone of Genius

Your Zone of Genius is where your interests, passions and skills align.

Operating in it means you stop playing their games and start playing yours—you start playing games you are uniquely well-suited to win.

Find—and start operating in—yours today...

The Eisenhower Decision Matrix

“What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.” — Dwight Eisenhower

A simple 2x2 matrix that can teach you everything you need to know about prioritization and time management.

Warren Buffett's Wisdom

The most famous investor in the world is a treasure trove of wisdom.

But most of it has nothing to do with investing...

21 Lessons from 2021

At the end of every year, I sit down and reflect on what I learned.

There is no specific aim—the goal is to fly up to 10,000 feet and assess the year that has passed.

This is my attempt to abstract the chaos of 2021 into something simple and coherent.

It was a crazy year—100,000 words and 600 million impressions—but I’m just getting started.

Follow me @SahilBloom so you don’t miss what’s in store for 2022…

Join the 57K+ others and subscribe to my newsletter, where I go deeper on these topics weekly.
And be sure to check out my new podcast with
@gregisenberg—Where It Happens—for casual conversations with amazing guests on the most interesting topics in business and tech.
See All
Wes Kao @wes_kao · Dec 30, 2021
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This is gold 💯