Founder of Lyn Alden Investment Strategy. Fundamental investing with a global macro overlay. Finance/Engineering blended background.
Host of the BTC Sessions on YouTube
Investment Manager, Equity Management Associates,LLC. Sound money advocate. Gold stock fund manager. Austrian economist. Anti-Federalist. CrossFit Athlete. BTC
Bitcoin. Back after a many year hiatus. Follow me or don’t I do not care, just HODL. Autodidact with lots of meaningless degrees.
Building for/thinking about bringing humanity back together. Building @campsocial_ (for DAOs) @relatablecrm @yourgoodsphere past: @contactually (acq'd), author
#Advisor & #BusinessAngel persiguiendo las grandes ideas #EarlyInvestor #Bitcoin & high Impact #Startups. Founder @octopuscapital
Student of history.
Let the games begin
Loving father, crypto enthusiast, pet-a-holic
Harvard-educated historian who served in the Army Reserve.