Mapping the world’s business & investing knowledge: @OSAMResearch 🧬 / @psumvc 🟣 / @capitalcamp ⛺️ / @joincolossus 🔎 / @join__frontier🌐
British physicist at the University of Oxford. Pioneered the field of quantum computation, formulated a description for a quantum Turing machine, and specified an algorithm for quantum computers. Proposer of using entangled states and Bell's theorem for quantum key distribution. Proponent of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.
I did it! I'm in the gauge now!!!
Looking for people with DIY worldviews: let's think together.
Scientist working at Tufts University; my lab studies patterning and computation in a range of biological systems.
I do C tutorials, @42born2code
happy to chat about buddhism, bach, & bayes. retweets my own.
CTO @synalogik. Software, Data & ML Engineer. DAMA #CDMP. #AWScommunity Builder. Lover of music & literature. Father of sons & daughters.
Data Scientist, small business owner, angel investor, health & fitness nut. | Co-founder: RedBlue Ventures LLC | Opinions are my own
building businesses + inspiring entrepreneurs at intersection of technology health + wellness | @biosciencela | @uclaanderson + @stanford | #LongLA
energy and infrastructure project finance & development. travel, languages, photography, music. #bitcoin @bitcoinalive Sydney April 15 2023