Co-author of Mosaic, the first widely used web browser with a graphical user interface. Co-founder of Netscape and general partner of Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. Co-founder of Ning. Net-worth estimated at $1.7 billion by Forbes.
📖 I tweet about books & becoming a better reader. 🎙 Host of "The Reader's Journey" podcast. 📧 Get a free book summary every week (link in bio)
I tweet mostly about great books and ideas. Retoolin' at @retool. Also: @tommyinhebrew
I demystify the stock market | Author, Investor, Teacher | Tweets about money & investing | 80,000+ investors read my free Long Term Mindset newsletter
Helping you become a better writer online while I do the same • Father of 5 • CEO • PhD but never done learning • Notion enthusiast • Jocko Trooper
➟ Creator of the Strong Foundation, Strong Summit System 🚀 Maximising Your Productivity Through Self Improvement
Fiat product manager by day. Exploring #Bitcoin by night. Trying to get to the bottom of the rabbit hole
Mission: Change 1 Million lives🥳#Bitcoin #Crypto ❇️ YouTube: ⬇️ Learn more ⬇️
Follower of Christ//Entrepreneur//Real Estate Investor//Realtor//Crypto Nerd
Truth Seeker @editpagehq @traderstartup @blockpire @mogotix
Investor, Trader. Not investment advice. Passion for sports, traveling, friendships and life. Always learning. Working on some things, stay tuned...