Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Northwestern University, editor-in-chief of the Yale Law & Policy Review.
📖 I tweet about books & becoming a better reader. 🎙 Host of "The Reader's Journey" podcast. 📧 Get a free book summary every week (link in bio)
👨‍⚕️ Doctor, 🧪 YouTuber, 🎙 Podcaster @noverthinking
Lost job, found Twitter | Now helping other creators leverage social media content to grow their audience and businesses | Building
Tweeting about writing, building, and growth | Building 🚢 | Macro Investor | Enabling the full-stack internet creator
artist & youtuber 🍄 sometimes I retweet stuff
Stock Trader | NO BUY SELL ADVICE | YouTube - InstaGram…
Family Man | Electrical Engineer (Building Automation Specialist) | Entrepreneur | Hardware&Software Dev | AI enthusiast | Writer ✍️ (aspiring)
🧠J'aide les entrepreneurs à générer leurs premiers revenus en partageant mon expérience| Je n'ai rien à te vendre | Tweets que des conseils applicable. 🎯
Mission: Cultivate anti-fragility in Gen Z | I Write about my navigation of the human experience.