
What's Wrong With Society?

Part 4A. The dominance of the “autonomous self” ideology in America and the West.

The autonomous self is a distorted view of freedom. It is this vision of what it means to be human that we are rapidly moving towards and that our technology dynamic makes possible.

“the story of the autonomous individual says that the "I" is self-sovereign, emerges into without any prior obligations that have been placed on it, and chooses the laws it has for itself.”

“Nothing can be forced upon the autonomous self from without that it does not agree to from within. When someone or something— a person, other people, various groups, governments, and so forth-tries to force the "I" to accept something it does not will to accept, the "I" is violated. The border between the "I" and the world of self-chosen obligations has been broken, and the invaders have entered territory that is not theirs.”