Steve Bannon says the objective of MAGA will be to END the Federal Reserve discussing CBDCs w/extremist propagandist Mike Adams.

"Fears that CBDCs pose an imminent threat have little basis in reality." @davetroy

Financial systems = target of irregular warfare. #5GW

MAGA is recycling nonsense of past menaces to democracy.

End the Fed is a 2009 book by Ron Paul. It advocates the abolition of the Federal Reserve System "because it is immoral, unconstitutional, impractical, promotes bad economics & undermines liberty."
These conspiracy theories attempt to + CBDCs to the pantheon of populist bogeymen (Fed Reserve, globalist bankers, etc)
A recapitulation of the paranoid fears stoked by the 1903 anti-Semitic disinfo pamphlet “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” @davetroy
For more from @davetroy on this & other related irregular warfare tactics being used to destabilize & deconstruct the US government, see his coverage here:

#5GW is upon us, be informed.

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