1. What's stopping the energy transition we need? Well, a short answer is @eonenergyuk. Here’s a brief thread on its mind-blowing, world-beating incompetence.
I hope you’re sitting down.🧵
2. The house we’re renting is a new-build with 6.57kWp of solar panels on the roof. Great, right? Except we can’t use them until a 3-phase meter is fitted. Our landlords paid E.ON for it over 6 months ago. All that has happened since is a long series of astonishing blunders.
3. First E.ON referred our landlords to the wrong team, for the wrong job.
Then, after endless phone calls, they said our landlords would have to wait 3 months for the sub-contractor to arrive.
When he eventually came, he’d been given the wrong authorisation, so couldn’t proceed.
4. Weeks of futile phone calls ensued, after which my landlords were told they would have to start the whole process from scratch with a new department, and wait another 3 months.
5. That 3 months has now passed, but we still don’t even have a date for the work. The panels are a brick. The electrician can’t sign off the rest of his work on the house and will need to be paid again to retest the wiring, *IF* E.ON ever arrive to fit the meter.
6. And still the fruitless phone calls go on, hour after hour, day after day, as our landlords wait for someone at E.ON to pick up, someone who picks up to have the faintest idea what to do, and someone who has the faintest idea what to do being competent to, er, actually do it.
7. Over six months and scores of hours on the phone later, we are no further down the line than we were at the beginning. It’s like a sick practical joke. My landlords are trying to do the right thing, and are frustrated at every turn. What is E.ON playing at?
8. It's a classic example of Kafkaesque corporate bureaucracy in industries that have us over a barrel.
It reminds me of the best slogan I ever saw on a placard, at a demonstration against a new coal plant E.ON wanted to build at Kingsnorth in Kent:
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