🔸Input Label Animation in 4 Simple Steps with CSS 🔸

A Thread🧵⬇️

1. HTML Structure

▪ Inside a "container" <div> tag, I've an input tag of type "text" and a <label> tag

▪ Input tag is given a class "form__input"

2. Styling "container" and "form__input"

▪ "form__input" is given position absolute to place it properly inside "container" which has position relative

▪ background is set as transparent & outline is removed for input tag

3. Styling <label> tag

▪ label is given position absolute to easily place it inside "container"
▪ transition property is added to get a smooth transition when label tag is moved upwards on focus

4. Adding "focus" & "hover" classes

▪ on hover, I am changing the border color for the input tag to gray
▪ when focused, border color is changed to cyan

▪ lastly using sibling selector(~), label tag is moved up for 2 conditions →
• when input is in focus
• when input is not in focus but content is filled in

▪ :not(:placeholder-shown) means content is filled into input tag

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