Full Stack Developer is One of the Highly In Demand and Top Paying Jobs in Tech.

Here's a complete roadmap to be a excellent Full Stack JavaScript Developer (with youtube videos):

A Thread 🧵
1 Web Foundations: Before diving into JavaScript development, it's essential to have a good understanding of how the web works, including HTTP, DNS, web servers, and client-server architecture.
2 HTML5 : After that, you'll want to dive into HTML5, which is the foundation of web development. You can find a wealth of HTML tutorials on YouTube that can help you get started.
3 CSS3 : CSS3 is another essential skill to learn, as it's used to style web pages.
4 NPM/NPM Scripts: NPM is the package manager for Node.js, and it's important to learn how to use it for managing dependencies, running scripts, and automating tasks.
5 JavaScript : JavaScript is the programming language that's used to create dynamic web applications. It's important to learn the fundamentals of JavaScript, such as data types, functions, and control structures.
6 Bootstrap : It is a popular front-end framework that makes it easy to create responsive and mobile-first websites.
7 Git/GitHub: It is a version control system used to manage code. GitHub is a web-based hosting service for Git repositories. You should learn how to use Git and GitHub to collaborate with other developers.
8 React.js : It is a popular front-end JavaScript library that's used to create dynamic user interfaces. Learning React can be useful in creating modern web applications.
9 Node.js: It is a server-side JavaScript runtime that enables you to build web applications using JavaScript on the server. Learning Node.js can help you become a full-stack JavaScript developer.
10 Database: It is used to store data in web applications, and it's important to learn how to use them to create and manage data.
11 Developer Environment: Lastly you'll need to learn how to set up a developer environment that includes tools such as IDEs, text editors, and command-line interfaces.
PS: Remember, this is just a suggested plan feel free to adjust based on your own learning style and pace.
That's a wrap-up for this one 🎁

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Anas @_gulam_anas_ · May 11, 2023
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