A web3 gaming giant is being built in front of our eyes.

Everything you need to know about @OhBabyGames and how you can your hands on their NFTs 🧵👇

Let's start with some basics:

• founder: @passytee
• they announced a $6 Million Seed Round in January
• building multiple games
• 70+ employees

They will be launchin at least 4 games:

• What The Kart!
• Shogun Curse
• What The Party!
• Baby Wassies

Web3 games are facing one major problem:

There is only a small overlap between the web3 audience and gamers. So most projects are distributing gaming assets (NFTs) to people who will never touch the game.

Let's take a look whats differentiating OBB here ⬇️

1⃣ onboarding web3

They are launching game genres that are known to attract the masses which is perfect for an audience without many hardcore gamers. And they also include reputable CT characters, this should also help the onboarding a bit.

2⃣ onboarding gamers

Most gamers will never touch web3 games if they need a wallet. OBB has the option to log in with an Email and you don't need to care about self-custody. But you can also use a wallet instead of an Email if you want to.

Okay, there are companies like @Stardust who provide those solutions to other games and it will be the standard anyways.

But people don't want to create new player accounts for every single game.

That's why game launchers like Steam and Epic Games are so popular.

And OBB is creating their own game launcher. Covering that would be too much for this thread, but it has huge potential for:

• a better user experience
• interoperability (which you will have between their games)
• onboarding new games to web3
• mass adoption

But let's talk about the most important success factor, the games need to be fun.

I was able to already play the Kart game and can say it is really good.

There is a lot of real gameplay out there, just take a look and judge for yourself.


But no worries, you will actually be able to play the game for yourself before they drop the first NFTs.

It is not exactly known how the first drop will look like, but I can tell you it will be a special one 👀

So what can you do to participate in that?

You can go to their website and register for Alpha Testing (starting soon).

They want to distribute the NFTs to real gamers and the early core community, so this will be your best chance.

Just keep an eye on their socials for more updates on that.

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