Tooltip widget in Flutter

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The tooltip widget is used to show a small pop-up message when the user hovers over a widget.

Properties of the tooltip widget:
1. message:
This is the text that is displayed in the tooltip. It can be a string or a widget.

2. child:
This is the widget that the tooltip is associated with. When the user hovers over or long-presses this widget, the tooltip will be displayed.
3. preferBelow:
This property is a boolean value that determines whether the tooltip should be displayed above or below the child widget.
4. verticalOffset:
This property specifies the vertical distance between the child widget and the tooltip. A positive value moves the tooltip further below the child widget, while a negative value moves it closer.
5. padding:
This property is used to add padding around the tooltip.

6. margin:
This property is used to add a margin around the tooltip.

7. decoration:
This property is used to add a decoration to the tooltip, such as a border or background color.
8. textStyle:
This property is used to specify the style of the text in the tooltip.

9. waitDuration:
This property specifies the duration in milliseconds that the user has to wait before the tooltip is displayed.
10. showDuration:
This property specifies the duration in milliseconds that the tooltip should be displayed after it is shown.
11. triggerMode:
This property specifies the type of event that triggers the tooltip. It can be either TooltipTriggerMode.longPress or TooltipTriggerMode.hover.
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D-Coder @Damn_coder · May 10, 2023
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Great share buddy!