Need to last until the next bull market? 🐂

You’ll be here as long as you follow these steps 👇
Touch grass. Often. 🍃

You’ll burn yourself out hovering over floor prices and trying to catch every coin swing.

Go mow your lawn. Let’s be honest you’ve probably been procrastinating it for months. Plus it smells damn good after you finish.
Pick up a hobby outside of Web3. You’re not missing anything here being involved every minute of the day.

Dedicate 1 hour each day to this new hobby and you’ll find a new passion that you can maybe even bring into web3! 💪
Get your A$$ to the gym. Just 45 minutes even. We sit on our computers too much lately and is degening in a digital world just adds to it.

You may even make new friends there!
Stop eating so much junk food. I’m not saying you have to start eating a strict diet.

Just cut back on the bad stuff. It’s all about moderation.
Surround yourself with people you actually connect with. 🤝

We spend so much time here networking in web3, make sure you’re enjoying your time here with frens!
Oh, and maybe DCA here and there…

Enjoy your weekend everybody. 🍻

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