A small overview of what has happened in the @ChimpersNFT community in the last week

A thread about how our community got even better👇🧵
On 1 May, a collab between chimpers and @FTCFestival was announced for the summer

On 2 May our community rested and celebrated Chuesday as always, as we do every week

The Chimpers started breaking all records, we blew up Instagram with the gif &s tickers packs that were announced earlier
The project team proves why we are all chimpish on this project, a statistic that was released on instagram this week
On 4 May we had a Star Wars anniversary celebration in our community and enjoyed the artwork of our creative guys especially @CATIST_NFT

Latest news for this week and again related to social media

Instagram is breaking new records, can we celebrate 1 million followers by the summer ?📈
This was an overview of the week's most important events that happened in our cosy DOJO house

I hope you have enjoyed this thread, because I hope to make it a weekly feature so we can explore our growth story

Feel free for LK & RT🫂

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