35 days of dialling down the dopamine and I feel like a brand new human.

A ๐Ÿงต on what I did and why I'll keep it going ๐Ÿง 
2/ Backstory

I was pretty burnt out back half of 2022. There were multiple factors at play but I had absolutely scorched my dopamine receptors into oblivion.
3/ I can't speak for everyone but I'd be pretty confident in saying that it's not a good idea for most humans to be in a constant state of hyper reactiveness for 14-18hrs p/day.

I was in that state for an extended period, 7 days per week for months on end
4/ First thing in the morn, grab phone check price, check floor prices, check twitter, check email, check messaging apps

A big ol' bowl of cheap dopamine full of inputs and other people's problems infiltrating my mind and leading to a lack of clarity and focus for the day ahead.
5/ This quote has stayed with me for years since reading it yet I failed to tame the modern devil consistently.

6/ What else went out of the window during my period of hyper over stimulation?
โŒ Exercise
โŒ Meditation
โŒ Eating well
โŒ Being present and even remotely available for friends

During this period, I could recognise the impact that was happening but I couldn't interrupt the loop
7/ The area I have been finding myself a new career home in "web3" is high octane, it's full of FOMO and it lends itself to succumbing to cheap dopamine.

It's intoxicating at times and it's very easy to justify leaving your healthy habits at the door in the pursuit of returns
8/ I really resonated with this piece from @Route2FI over the Christmas period. It hit home.

Side bar: I did the @schlaf reflection exercise within the article and found it extremely therapeutic and valuable in terms of goal setting for 2023.
9/ So how did I course correct over the past 35 days and get back to a person I can stand to look at in the mirror?

Well, if you want the TLDR, I did like George Costanza and did the exact opposite of all the things I wasn't doing.

โœ… Got back into an exercise routine
โœ… Carved out 10mins per day for meditation
โœ… Started to cook more
โœ… Made myself more available for friends and worked on being present

But stick with me...
11/ We all pretty much know what we should be doing to either get healthy or stay healthy but it's the actual "doing" that falls short. We become academics and not practitioners.

I knew I had to break the cycle of shit and that was achievable through new habits and momentum.
12/ First thing I did after being a couch potato on boxing day watching hoops all day was sign back up to HIIT classes.

Why? Routine and accountability.

I've been very fit in patches over my time and some of the fittest I've ever been has been when I book classes and show up
13/ I can't tell you how good mentally I felt after getting a few morning sessions under my belt.

I could feel my old self coming back to life, it was very profound
14/ Meditation - 40-50% of you just rolled your eyes either because you think it's too "woo-woo" or you've tried it before and couldn't get rid of your thoughts (more on that).

I use @wakingup. I've used multiple apps on and off over nearly 10yrs now practicing meditation.
15/ I like Waking Up particularly due to its moments feature where it's one of the very few notifications I enjoy receiving. Little 30-120sec bite sized audio clips staggered throughout the day (you choose how frequent, I like 1-2 max).

Here's a sample
16/ For the past 35 days, my new morning (or reacquainted) habit has been:

โœ… Wake up around 5:30am
โœ… Ignore all apps on phone
โœ… Meditate for 10mins
โœ… Gym class for 45mins

By 7am I've won the morning and feel great.
17/ If cheap dopamine is the devil then delayed gratification is the holy grail of dopamine.

Delayed gratification is hard in modern society, it really is, we've got so much cheap dopamine at our disposal 24/7.
18/ But what I've been reminded during my reset is often the difference between sticking to your guns or caving to the devil is played out in just micro seconds when the urge inevitably pops up.

Back to meditation for one moment
19/ I hear ppl say things like "I sat down to meditate and couldn't do it. My thoughts were still there and I just got annoyed because I couldn't get them to stop"

This is the point. IMO, meditation is not to stop or control your thoughts, it's to observe them.
20/ It's a circus up top ๐Ÿง  and you've got a front row ticket, permanently.

What consistent meditation helps me with most is in those micro seconds when I get an urge, whether that be the allure of a cheap dopamine hit, anger, anxiety, whatever it is, it's a thought.
21/ Being able to detach in real time & essentially take a step back before you act is a superpower. It doesn't always work and I slip up constantly but having the option within your toolkit is something that helps me, even at the gym. It's the difference of going that bit harder
22/ I spoke about my lack of being present, particularly in IRL situations with friends as a problem I'd identified, meditation also very much helps with this.

I've got a lot of cumulative minutes under my belt and I've been thoroughly enjoying being back on the meditation wagon
23/ The last domino to fall for me on my reset was to make some improvements in my diet. Meal prepping at least once per week whilst basic has been my first tweak.

But exercising again leads me to want to eat better and reduce alcohol.
24/ There's nothing magical to what I did but I can tell you, my @whoop fitness tracker started to smile at me again.
25/ Some notable improvements in my data:
- 9% decrease in my resting heart rate
- 47% increase in my heart rate variability
- 5% increase in my daily recoveries
- Overall sleep improvement. Shoutout to @FitFounder on the 3-2-1 rule that I've been implementing
26/ 3-2-1 rule, what's that you ask?

3hrs before bed - try not to eat anything
2hrs before bed - no liquids (to reduce bathroom break interruptions to sleep)
1hr before bed - screens away (tough, I know)

I've found the above really helps with optimising for REM sleep
27/ I hope you might have got something out this and would love to know how you deal with keeping your mind and body a priority when the temptation of cheap dopamine is everywhere
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