Reddit NFTs Gen 3 - Comprehensive guide

Some collections from the previous gen saw up to a 100x increase in value.

In this thread, I will explain what it is about and how you can earn from it.


The Reddit Collectible Avatars are limited-edition PFP style digital art used for digital identity and additional utility benefits on the Reddit.

The artwork for each Reddit Collectible Avatar was provided by a variety of independent artists.

At the moment of writing there are more than 10 million of avatars and 7 million of holders.

Many collections that were released in Gen 1 and Gen 2 are currently worth a lot of money.

Which one to buy in Gen 3? 👇


Firsly, the collections with the lowest supply have the most upside for gains.

Secondly, the demand for a collection is often driven by the artist behind it.

There are different tiers:

The most desirable low cap supply are the expensive ones.

ID of nft matters too, for example single digit, also popular numbers like 69/420/1337.

The upcoming gen 3 drop will feature some old artists and a few new ones

I can share some promising examples of past artists who will feature in the upcoming Gen 3 drop 👇

I attached rough tier list made by _TheOneTrueBean_ that will help you sniping great ones.

Personally, i'll be trying to buy low cap size nfts by:
• Rojom
• Artisma
• Olly
• abeekatiee
• conall-in-space
• tirli
• alicafreemandesigns
• nyan


Drop will happen on the Reddit site/mobile app.

We need to create an account, prepare vault, and choose a payment method.

I'll explain how to do that 👇

Step 1:
Sign up, choose login/password/interests, or skip if you already have one.

Step 2: Tap on your name up right, then go to profile -> Style avatar -> Choose any on related pic

Step 3: Create vault by adding password

Mobile version will be shown in thread below.


Now, let's talk about what you should do after creating your vault and when it's time for the drop.

After the immediate release of Gen 3, click on your avatar and then select 'Style Avatar'.

Click on the 'Shop' button and the available avatars for purchase will appear.

Select the avatar you wish to purchase.

You will be prompted to pay using either a debit or credit card.

Note: purchases on Reddit Shop can only be made using fiat.

If you successfully acquire one or more collectible avatars, they will be stored in your Reddit vault.

From there, you can choose to import your recovery phrase to your MetaMask or Trust Wallet in order to list them on a marketplace of your choice.

Thanks to @BigMo_Media for mobile version and thread!

I learned a lot about Reddit NFTs from his thread, which inspired me to create this thread and gather even more information!

Also thanks to @Plaxtico_ and @rekt_gang for information.


Reddit avatars have a cultural meaning beyond just their value as an investment.

In this thread I focused only on providing information for the upcoming drop.

I personally plan to try and snipe some rares during the upcoming drop tomorrow.

If you enjoyed this thread, please follow me and turn on your notifications to stay updated on new projects and research on Polygon NFTs 💜

If you are interested in a more in-depth guide on Reddit NFTs, beyond just the upcoming drop, please leave a comment 👇

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