🧵 THREAD: After calling out one shill after another for the last few weeks, it is about time to express gratitude to those who have fought for our freedom. If it weren't for them, we would be much closer to a dystopian society.

A special note of appreciation! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
#1 Thank you, Mary (@MdBreathe), for bringing the entire crew back to Twitter by tirelessly calling on Elon in threads to reactivate all the banned MDs, journalists, and scientists.
#2 Thank you, @VigilantFox, for clipping videos until late at night and supporting those who have been canceled by Big Tech for years through follower-advice threads. Also, thank you for the way you analyze news and summarize it in a way that is understandable for everyone.
#3 Thank you, @tracybeanz, for being one of the few journalists who dares to take on the establishment with facts. You are one of the greats in your profession!
#4 Thank you, @KanekoaTheGreat, for bringing the attention of many people in your country to what really happened in Ukraine. Sorry for doxxing that photo, bro!
#5 Thank you, @michaelpsenger, for enlightening us about the CCP's involvement in this entire PsyOp and also for tirelessly educating your followers about who of the current 'leaders' were initially welcoming these lockdowns. Also, your book 'Snake Oil' is a powerful red pill.
@michaelpsenger #6 Thank you, @jeffreyatucker, for welcoming me with open arms at @brownstoneinst after I lost my job for the third time in 2 years for doing what a scientist must do: questioning things.
@michaelpsenger @jeffreyatucker @brownstoneinst #7 Thank you, @drloupis, for standing up against cancel culture and advocating for the protection of our children from sexualization.
@michaelpsenger @jeffreyatucker @brownstoneinst @DrLoupis #8 Thank you, @RealJermWarfare, for becoming such a good friend over the past two years, someone with whom I can discuss anything at any time. Additionally, I truly appreciate the rational and critical way in which you enlighten people.
@michaelpsenger @jeffreyatucker @brownstoneinst @DrLoupis @RealJermWarfare #9 Thank you, @DrJBhattacharya, for the Great Barrington Declaration and for being a voice of reason for the past three years. You are one of the greatest scientists of your generation.
#10 Thank you, @naomirwolf, for being one of the first to address the PCR test issue. Without your interview with me two years ago, many things might not have come to light. Also, a big thanks for analyzing the VAERS data with your team. You will go down in history as a hero.
@naomirwolf #11 Thank you, @drdrew, for being a humorous and critical person who is willing to question your own views and talk to those who got silenced. Please keep it up!
@naomirwolf @drdrew #12 Thank you, @liz_churchill9, for actively fighting against the New Normal and Agenda 2030. I wish there were more people like you who speak their minds without hesitation.
#13 Thank you, @NickHudsonCT, for your activities at PANDA. Your enlightenment work during the plandemic was great.
@NickHudsonCT #14 Thank you, @FatEmperor, for your educational work on nutrition and the importance of fats, which has improved the general health of thousands of people. If everyone had your knowledge, health insurance companies probably wouldn't be needed anymore.
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor #15 Thank you, @TexasLindsay_, for what you have done. Many people don't yet know what you have done, but once they do, they will appreciate it all the more. You are an amazing citizen journalist!
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ #16 Thank you, @robinmonotti, for being one of the first individuals I followed on Twitter who were extremely awake by the end of 2020. Your educational efforts, particularly in the United Kingdom, will undoubtedly be remembered. Grazie!
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti #17 Thank you, @TheChiefNerd, for being one of the first allies on Telegram after being kicked off Twitter. Knowing what you have gone through during this pandemic, I have great respect for you.
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd #18 Thank you, @laralogan, for all that you have done for our freedom in the past few years. You actually don't need a superhero photo of yourself because you already are one in real life. Hugs!
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan #19 Thank you, @KLVeritas, for all that you have selflessly done for the common good in the last three years. You are a true gem and have earned my utmost respect.
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas #20 Thank you, @FiveTimesAugust, for your soundtrack about Bill Gates and your tireless efforts against Pink and all other musicians who have discriminated against us.
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas @FiveTimesAugust #21 Thank you, @DowdEdward, for your sober data analysis. Your work is highly appreciated.
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas @FiveTimesAugust @DowdEdward #22 Thank you, @elonmusk, for buying Twitter and reinstating the accounts of many silenced MDs and scientists. We highly appreciate what you did. If you liked this message, please send me 1,000,000 $DOGE.
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas @FiveTimesAugust @DowdEdward @elonmusk #23 Thank you, @stkirsch, your work on educating people about the safety and efficacy of vaccines is legendary. Please let me know your next flight number so I can sit next to you and have a nice conversation.
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas @FiveTimesAugust @DowdEdward @elonmusk @stkirsch #24 Thank you, @JessicaVaugn, for not holding back and daring to say what you think. Great minds think alike!
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas @FiveTimesAugust @DowdEdward @elonmusk @stkirsch @JessicaVaugn #25 Thank you, @Fynnderella1, for persistently starting from scratch despite having 6 accounts suspended to educate society about what is really going on. You are an amazing person, and your resilience and determination are truly admirable.
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas @FiveTimesAugust @DowdEdward @elonmusk @stkirsch @JessicaVaugn @Fynnderella1 #26 Thank you, @Jikkyleaks, for delving into the depths of scientific publications like few others and for trying to explain the scientific findings to laypeople. Your efforts are truly commendable and have helped many people understand complex scientific concepts.
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas @FiveTimesAugust @DowdEdward @elonmusk @stkirsch @JessicaVaugn @Fynnderella1 @Jikkyleaks #27 Thank you, @ganaha_masako, for grilling Klaus Schwab and Greta Thunberg in Davos. You are an amazing journalist! ありがとう
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas @FiveTimesAugust @DowdEdward @elonmusk @stkirsch @JessicaVaugn @Fynnderella1 @Jikkyleaks @ganaha_masako #28 Thank you from the bottom of my heart, @andrewbostom, for your unwavering commitment to upholding the Hippocratic oath. Your dedication to your patients and to the principles of medical ethics is truly inspiring.
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas @FiveTimesAugust @DowdEdward @elonmusk @stkirsch @JessicaVaugn @Fynnderella1 @Jikkyleaks @ganaha_masako @andrewbostom #29 Thank you, @danielkotzin, for tirelessly fighting for our rights over the past few years. I look forward to visiting you soon in beautiful Colorado!
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas @FiveTimesAugust @DowdEdward @elonmusk @stkirsch @JessicaVaugn @Fynnderella1 @Jikkyleaks @ganaha_masako @andrewbostom @danielkotzin #30 Thank you, @justin_hart, for your tireless analysis of the COVID situation and for not being afraid to repeatedly confront the pharma shills in the spaces.
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas @FiveTimesAugust @DowdEdward @elonmusk @stkirsch @JessicaVaugn @Fynnderella1 @Jikkyleaks @ganaha_masako @andrewbostom @danielkotzin @justin_hart #31 Thank you, @BrianLenzkes, for fearlessly advocating for the truth as a physician. Your commitment to honesty and transparency is truly admirable.
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas @FiveTimesAugust @DowdEdward @elonmusk @stkirsch @JessicaVaugn @Fynnderella1 @Jikkyleaks @ganaha_masako @andrewbostom @danielkotzin @justin_hart @BrianLenzkes @JanJekielek #33 Thank you, @molsjames, for your invaluable contribution in educating and enlightening society. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and I truly appreciate all that you have done.
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas @FiveTimesAugust @DowdEdward @elonmusk @stkirsch @JessicaVaugn @Fynnderella1 @Jikkyleaks @ganaha_masako @andrewbostom @danielkotzin @justin_hart @BrianLenzkes @JanJekielek @molsjames @ginacarano @gummibear737 #36 Thank you, @drmikehart, for having me as a guest on your podcast multiple times. You stood up against some of the biggest Canadian shills (or rather, they stood up against you) and you never backed down. For that, you deserve a great deal of respect, bro.
@NickHudsonCT @FatEmperor @TexasLindsay_ @robinmonotti @TheChiefNerd @laralogan @KLVeritas @FiveTimesAugust @DowdEdward @elonmusk @stkirsch @JessicaVaugn @Fynnderella1 @Jikkyleaks @ganaha_masako @andrewbostom @danielkotzin @justin_hart @BrianLenzkes @JanJekielek @molsjames @ginacarano @gummibear737 @drmikehart @MarkChangizi #38 Thank you, @ZubyMusic, for being yourself and just doing your thing. I'm still puzzled how you managed to navigate through the last three years without being censored, but that alone is a feat that deserves respect.
#51 Thank you, @jimmy_dore, for creating the Jimmy Dore Show, which masterfully delivers crucial topics with an abundance of humour.
@jimmy_dore #52 Thank you, @CartlandDavid, for your unwavering commitment to your principles, even when you faced adversity and struggled to find work in the UK.
#53 Thank you, @DschlopesIsBack, for your tireless dedication behind the scenes. Your contributions over the past three years have been invaluable and greatly appreciated.
@DschlopesIsBack #54 Thank you, @ZelenkoZev, for your unwavering commitment to the cause, even until your passing. You were one of the few who prophetically recognized early on that the vaccine is dangerous and that early treatment was the way to go. Your contributions will always be remembered!
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev #55 Thank you, @EvaVlaar, for your dedication to the cause of our Dutch farmers and for standing up against the WEF and its anti-freedom agenda. Ik waardeer je enorm.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar #56 Thank you, @RWMaloneMD, for speaking out and voicing your concerns about gene therapy, despite the intense media backlash you have had to endure. Only a few can truly understand how overwhelming it can feel to go against their global agenda.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD #57 Thank you, @ShellenbergerMD, for taking your role as a journalist seriously and not shying away from reevaluating your own opinions. Your commitment to presenting balanced and accurate reporting is truly commendable, and it sets you apart as a true journalist.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD #58 Thank you, @MartinKulldorff, for collaborating with @DrJBhattacharya in drafting the Great Barrington Declaration and staying true to your scientific principles despite facing repression.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya #59 Thank you, @Kevin_McKernan, for your significant contribution to the Corman-Drosten Review Paper and for standing up against Hotez and the Nerd Sweater Mafia.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan #60 Thank you, @DrAseemMalhotra, for questioning your own beliefs and approaching the topic of COVID with a critical perspective.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra #61 Thank you, @kacdnp91, for all that you have done over the past three years to help your country and people around the world. Your hard work, dedication, and selflessness are truly inspiring.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 #62 Thank you for everything, @drsimonegold. The fact that they locked you up at one point is a testament to the impact you have made and the importance of your work. Your unwavering commitment to speaking truth to power and standing up for what you believe in is truly admirable.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 @drsimonegold #63 Thank you, @mtaibbi! Your investigative work on the Twitter Files is legendary, and you are undoubtedly a superhero, even without the costume. For the sake of completeness, I have dressed you up accordingly.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 @drsimonegold @mtaibbi #64 Thank you, @GovRonDeSantis, for making Florida a control group and for your exceptional dedication to seeking out and reviewing scientific studies in order to make informed decisions.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 @drsimonegold @mtaibbi @GovRonDeSantis #65 Thank you, @EthicalSkeptic, for your tireless efforts in conducting data analyses, even if they may be difficult to comprehend at times. Your dedication to uncovering patterns through data is truly valuable and contributes to a better understanding of complex issues.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 @drsimonegold @mtaibbi @GovRonDeSantis @EthicalSkeptic #66 Thank you, @LucioEastman, for co-founding the @brownstoneinst and for your instrumental role in creating the @gbdeclaration. Your vision, leadership, and tireless efforts have made a significant impact on public health policy and the well-being of people around the world.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 @drsimonegold @mtaibbi @GovRonDeSantis @EthicalSkeptic @LucioEastman @brownstoneinst @gbdeclaration #67 Thank you, @SHomburg, for providing a clear-headed analysis of COVID in Germany and for your unwavering perseverance despite the unfounded criticism you have encountered.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 @drsimonegold @mtaibbi @GovRonDeSantis @EthicalSkeptic @LucioEastman @brownstoneinst @gbdeclaration @SHomburg @holmenkollin #69 Thank you, @Lilith_Assyria, for your unwavering commitment in fighting against these inhumane measures, and for bringing a smile to our faces with your occasional Tourette's outbursts. Hero number unrelated.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 @drsimonegold @mtaibbi @GovRonDeSantis @EthicalSkeptic @LucioEastman @brownstoneinst @gbdeclaration @SHomburg @holmenkollin @Lilith_Assyria #70 Thank you, @birb_k, for your objective and data-driven analyses. It is puzzling to me why many of them have not gone viral, despite their immeasurable value to society.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 @drsimonegold @mtaibbi @GovRonDeSantis @EthicalSkeptic @LucioEastman @brownstoneinst @gbdeclaration @SHomburg @holmenkollin @Lilith_Assyria @birb_k @Large_Farm #72 Thank you, @ProfTimNoakes, for your century-long commitment to promoting good nutrition. It was a scandal that you were canceled everywhere as an emeritus professor. However, we are glad to have you back, and we appreciate your unwavering dedication to the cause.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 @drsimonegold @mtaibbi @GovRonDeSantis @EthicalSkeptic @LucioEastman @brownstoneinst @gbdeclaration @SHomburg @holmenkollin @Lilith_Assyria @birb_k @Large_Farm @ProfTimNoakes #73 Thank you, Sucharit Bhakdi, for being one of the first to voice your concerns publicly and faced strong opposition for doing so. However, in the end, you were proven to be mostly right.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 @drsimonegold @mtaibbi @GovRonDeSantis @EthicalSkeptic @LucioEastman @brownstoneinst @gbdeclaration @SHomburg @holmenkollin @Lilith_Assyria @birb_k @Large_Farm @ProfTimNoakes @SunetraGupta #75 Thank you, Anders Tegnell, for making Sweden the control group in Europe. It's unbelievable how fiercely you were criticized by journalists worldwide in the beginning, only to be proven mostly right in the end.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 @drsimonegold @mtaibbi @GovRonDeSantis @EthicalSkeptic @LucioEastman @brownstoneinst @gbdeclaration @SHomburg @holmenkollin @Lilith_Assyria @birb_k @Large_Farm @ProfTimNoakes @SunetraGupta #76 Thank you, @IamBrookJackson, for speaking out about the Pfizer vaccine and for your courageous whistleblowing efforts. Your commitment to transparency and accountability in the pharmaceutical industry is truly admirable.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 @drsimonegold @mtaibbi @GovRonDeSantis @EthicalSkeptic @LucioEastman @brownstoneinst @gbdeclaration @SHomburg @holmenkollin @Lilith_Assyria @birb_k @Large_Farm @ProfTimNoakes @SunetraGupta @IamBrookJackson #77 Thank you, @DjokerNole, for standing up to the media and societal pressures and prioritizing your health over sporting achievements. You have become a role model for many libertarians by demonstrating the importance of individual autonomy.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 @drsimonegold @mtaibbi @GovRonDeSantis @EthicalSkeptic @LucioEastman @brownstoneinst @gbdeclaration @SHomburg @holmenkollin @Lilith_Assyria @birb_k @Large_Farm @ProfTimNoakes @SunetraGupta @IamBrookJackson @DjokerNole @joerogan @DrEliDavid #80 Thank you, @UngaTheGreat, for being a part of our exile group on Telegram from the very beginning and consistently contributing to the rational discussions. Your ability to approach issues with a level head has been invaluable in navigating the challenging times we face.
@DschlopesIsBack @ZelenkoZev @EvaVlaar @RWMaloneMD @ShellenbergerMD @MartinKulldorff @DrJBhattacharya @Kevin_McKernan @DrAseemMalhotra @kacdnp91 @drsimonegold @mtaibbi @GovRonDeSantis @EthicalSkeptic @LucioEastman @brownstoneinst @gbdeclaration @SHomburg @holmenkollin @Lilith_Assyria @birb_k @Large_Farm @ProfTimNoakes @SunetraGupta @IamBrookJackson @DjokerNole @joerogan @DrEliDavid @UngaTheGreat @BretWeinstein @akheriaty @Michael_Yon #84 Thank you, @schmittpaula, for your outstanding and brave work as a journalist challenging the mainstream media's consensus on vaccines and mandates in a country of over 200 million people. 🇧🇷 Your unique perspective and willingness to speak out are invaluable.
#96 Thank you, @iheartmindy, for constantly questioning things as a libertarian. Similar to @RealJermWarfare's podcast, your podcast has the potential to open people's eyes.
@iheartmindy @RealJermWarfare #97 Thank you, @PierreKory, for your critical reporting on COVID. It was and continues to be a shame that beta males like @DrAdrianWong have repeatedly attacked you through their blogs with unsound arguments. For the record, Ivermectin works:
#98 Thank you, @AJKayWriter, for always being a voice of reason and never backing down, no matter which platforms you have been removed from. Your courage and integrity are truly admirable. Respect!
@AJKayWriter #99 Thank you, @delbigtree, for your advocacy for bodily autonomy. People may have different opinions regarding vaccinations, and I wholeheartedly agree with you, but everyone should be allowed to decide what they inject into their own bodies. That's why I value your activism.
@AJKayWriter @delbigtree #100 Thank you to everyone I have mentioned in this thread and to those I have yet to mention in the upcoming days. But also, thanks to myself (@goddeketal), for never giving in to the pressure during difficult times and standing up for my values and principles.
#101 Thank you, @catturd2, for being based, which means: anti-woke, anti-measures, anti-democrats, and pro sitting on a beach in Florida and having a drink. Cheers, mate!
#102 Thank you, @KimDotcom, for being anti-establishment for decades. Even though I don't share your view on @jacindaardern (she's a bloody WEF shill), I highly appreciate that you're both critical and self-critical with respect to literally everything that's going on.
@KimDotcom @jacindaardern #103 Thank you, @JamesOKeefeIII, for everything you've done with Project Veritas, such as exposing Big Pharma and Big Media. I wish you all the success for the future, and want you to know that we've got your back!
#104 Thank you, @AllisonPearson, for being such a critical and courageous mainstream media columnist.
#105 Thank you, @GVDBossche, for raising your concerns with respect to these 'vaccines' especially with respect to long term consequences.
#106 Thank you, @efenigson, for being a rational voice of reason not only in Israel but also beyond. I particularly appreciate your well-structured Twitter Spaces and wish you would do more of them.
#107 Thank you, @drteckkhong, for fighting for the sovereignty of the British people and their bodily integrity.
#108 Get lost, #Fauci, you don't belong here but on the soon-to-be-published supervillain list.
#109 Thank you, @RenzTom, for challenging the legality of COVID measures and bringing awareness to the looming threat of gene therapy in the food supply. You have my support in passing Missouri HB 1169.
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